TEMAC Electric Funfly

Started by Michael, August 11, 2010, 12:51:18 PM

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TEMAC Electric Fun Fly
Stouffville, Ontario, Saturday and Sunday,
Sept. 4 and 5, 2010, 10am to 4pm each day.
(½ km east of the Kennedy Rd and Stoufville Rd intersection.)
MAAC Sanctioned 2010-363

No Rain dates, but fun flying may continue into Monday, Labour Day, Sept. 6.
TEMAC and EMFSO websites will post updated information and weather forecasts in the days leading up to the event.

Pre-Registration - The Fun Fly is limited to a maximum of 40 participants per day, so pre-registration is suggested. Send an email to [email protected] before August 25, 2010 to pre-register. Pre-registered flyers must arrive at the TEMAC field no later than 11am. Cost is $5 per day for EMFSO members, $10 a day to non-EMFSO members.

Lots of fun flying, prizes, awards, live auction, FREE DRINKS and LUNCH.

EMFSO FORMOSA Racing on Sunday.

MAAC Safety Rules apply. MAAC membership required. Pilot's meeting each morning prior to flying. Transmitter/frequency-board control system in place; 5 flyers maximum at a time; Limited parking - arrive early. No maiden flights; No Flight Instruction/training; Buddy-box flying allowed; Spotting strongly recommended. No space nor arrangements for overnight camping. Portable toilet on site.

Check for updates at:

Awards to be presented:
Pilot's Choice Award
Second Annual TEMAC Formosa Racing Winner - Brushless Motor Class
Second Annual TEMAC Formosa Racing Winner - Brushed Motor Class
Best non-ARF Model
Best Ducted Fan Jet Model
Best Scratch Built Model
Best Scale Model
Best Helicopter
Best Flight Performance
Best Crash
All models must fly to be eligible for awards.

For more information contact:
[email protected]
Michael in Toronto



It's going to be great!   Looking forward to it!

Will you be reserving parking spots for those who pre-register?




Is Sunday OK for you for Formosa flying?



That should be fine.



There's been some excellent flying at TEMAC over the last week or so; sorry we didn't see you. Often 10 cars or so were present.



I was planning for tonight (Thursday 12th) for the racing as discussed a couple of weeks ago.  I couldn't get out earlier because of some jobs I had to finish off first.

Oh well, I guess I'll fly by myself [:)]




Funfly status:
Funfly is on as scheduled.

Weather will be slightly cool, windy on Saturday, less windy on Sunday.

Pizza lunch each day, free to paid attendants.

No demos planned; just fun flying all day, each day.

Formosa Racing Sunday at noon, for approx. 1/2 hour.

Auction on Sunday after lunch: All proceeds benefit TEMAC.
Cash only accepted for winning bids. Live bids only.

Lot 1. Electrifly Sopwith Pup. Indoor flyer. No hardware.
Local retail value: $75. Donated by Pinnacle Hobby. Bidding starts at $10.

Lot 2. Ultrafly T-45 Hawk. Pusher jet, incl. brushless motor.
Local retail value: $169. Donated by Advance RC. Bidding starts at $10.

Lot 3. Phase 3 Squall. Ducted fan jet, includes brushless motor and speed control.
Local retail value: $200. Donated by A&J Hobby. Bidding starts at $10.

Lot 4. HET Starfighter. Ducted fan kit No hardware.
Retail value: $245. Donated by Pinnacle Hobby. Bidding starts at $10.

All brand new in original boxes



Funfly is on as scheduled, however, the weather forecast for Saturday calls for 35km winds and isolated rain showers, 20km and dry on Sunday.
Hopefully, the conditions will be better than anticipated.

Sunday seems like it will be the better day so the auction, Formosa racing and 10 awards will be held on Sunday.

Updates will be posted on the EMFSO message board (THIS THREAD) late Friday, early Saturday and again at about 11am on Saturday.



It's windy, but not raining.

I'll be at the field at about 8am, and will make a post here shortly after.



Too windy and wet.
Saturday funfly is cancelled.

Looking forward to Sunday.



The Saturday funfly was cancelled due to bad weather, but we still plan on having the funfly on Sunday.

If the weather is reasonably dry and not too windy, we will have the funfly on Sunday.

If it is not raining, I will be at the field at 8pm, and anyone can call me directly. 647-300-7646

The pizza lunch, Formosa racing, auction and prizes will all be held Sunday.

As a back-up plan, we may run into Labour Day Monday, but we'll decide that on Sunday.

Thanks to Jack, Craig, André and Eric who came out early Saturday, but ended up at Tim Hortins for coffee.
Afterward, about a dozen people showed up at the field, and a few of us were brave enough (reckless enough?)
to fly. There were 5 people who flew: Rob and Dave of Pinnacle, Ken Manual, Glenn Nikolaiko
and me. No one crashed but it was challenging to fly in those heavy winds. Amazingly, most landings were excellent!
Shortly after noon, the rain started coming down, and that was enough.
Hopefully, Sunday will be better.

I will post an update Sunday morning.



6:30am Sunday September 5, 2010
It's windy outside and it may be a bit wet, but
the funfly is on today!

The pizza lunch, Formosa racing, auction and prizes will all be held today.



I think Michael meant 8am.

Benjamin Feist - EMFSO Website Developer

Andy Hoffer

Great FunFly Michael. Lots of incriminating photos to follow!

Congrats to you, Jack for a really fine event. Nice to see the support of and for our local hobby shops.

Best regards, Andy


I second that!  It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones. (Oh yeah ... and flying was cool too! [;)]) Even the poor conditions didn't dampen the spirit of the Funfly ... made for some challenging flying but hey ... sometimes you need that "pucker factor" to keep you "sharp"! [;)]

Looking forward to Beeton ... hopefully conditions will be better.



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!