BUSA Dr-1 1/4 Scale

Started by Gregor77, August 13, 2012, 01:10:07 PM

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Its the autocorrect on Iphones.. Woof?  It was supposed to be "Wood".


Quote from: Gregor77 on October 18, 2012, 10:56:22 AM
Its the autocorrect on Iphones.. Woof?  It was supposed to be "Wood".

Oh I figured but what fun would there be if I let it slide?
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


So he WASN'T talking about his dog, but rather his anatomy???   :o

I'm confused.  Building model airplane never used to be this complicated...



Of course you're confused it's all that wood.
But never mind it's all in your head.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Well due to the weather and the fact that I had the wing kind of sorted out... It's still twisting a bit, but I think the covering will pull it a bit.  I finished off the alerions and started to fine sand the rest of the wing.  I am excited that now I can start on the fuse.


I started on the fuse... didn't get far.. Just put some of the longerons on and got the plans all sorted out on the work table.   Basically just got to part one of the use as I had to laminate a bunch of pieces together.

With the weather as it is.. limits any VW activity, so it's off to the basement again!


Ok, so I started the one side of the fuse.. Went together well...

Question to the builders.  How to I cut the pieces of 1/4 for the frame of the plane straight and get the right angles for the fuse?  I was using a piece of wood that was straight and making small marks where the cuts should be and trying to cut straight down.  I have a small alloy cutting jig, but only cuts at 90 deg and 45 deg.  Is there something else that can help?  I was thinking of making an L bracket that could fit against the 1/4 wood and the piece that is already layed down.  I could make my marks and then cut it after. 

It's just that I want a perfect cut.


Quote from: Gregor77 on October 24, 2012, 08:31:42 AM
Ok, so I started the one side of the fuse.. Went together well...

Question to the builders.  How to I cut the pieces of 1/4 for the frame of the plane straight and get the right angles for the fuse?  I was using a piece of wood that was straight and making small marks where the cuts should be and trying to cut straight down.  I have a small alloy cutting jig, but only cuts at 90 deg and 45 deg.  Is there something else that can help?  I was thinking of making an L bracket that could fit against the 1/4 wood and the piece that is already layed down.  I could make my marks and then cut it after. 

It's just that I want a perfect cut.

I always use a hand-held balsa saw and cut freehand. I cut 1/8" or so ahead of the mark and then use a table-top sander like the one that Rob recommended to sand the cut back to the mark while test-fitting along the way. Super quick. I'm no expert builder though, I'm sure others have better tips than this.


Two fuse sides are done now... I have to now change the plans to the top view.  I am going to start to put the center formers in place.  The bench sander was much faster and easier.. thanks!

It's nice to finally see a bit of a plane showing up now.


Hey!  You're supposed to take three years to build that plane!  Slow down and let me ctach up   >:(


I have to keep going... I just got an N17... One of them is going to have to get done before X-mas... I just spent $200 on parts for the plane!  eeee... covering is expensive in silver!  :P


Well I had an hr ot two when the little monsters stopping ringing the door bell last night.   I boxed up the fuse and it went well till I noticed I grabbed the filler CA instead of the thick CA.  But not a big deal.. Just took a long time to set on the plywood.  It's nice to see a fuse...


Fuse is now 90% done.  Need to cut some ply and glue.  What glue are you using for ply? 


"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"
