1/6.78 Scale Hawker Typhoon

Started by wollins, August 31, 2012, 11:36:22 AM

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Guys, where can I get a piece of aluminum sheet about 1/4 inch thick or so?  Actually I just need a piece about four inches square so I guess that would hardly qualify as a "sheet"!  ;D



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Take a roll of aluminum foil and start folding. ..

Actually I believe the places from this thread would be good sources.

Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Progress has been suspended until I return from my trip to the RAF museum in the UK!  ;D   There lives the only surviving Typhoon so I'm leaving for a week this weekend. I suspect I'll be taking hundreds of photos of this plane. (and any others I think I may model in the future.)  After this if I don't succeed in getting this plane "scale" ... it certainly won't be for the lack of documentation!  ;) 


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Oh man!  Can I come?????

Oh well, if not,  you are officially on assignment for me... Here's what I need:

LOTS of pictures of the Supermarine Stranrear (my next winter's build that I NEED documentation for... not much on the internet).  I want to do a nice, scale build, so I need lots of detail pictures like:

Top side, underside, and both side overall views and closeup views for details, panel lines, and markings
Cockpit details if possible, including seats, cabin left side and right side, ceiling, floor, back wall of cockpit, close up of instruments, etc.  Even nice, straight on shots of the instruments so I can recreate them.
Control surface hinging and control details (ail, rudd, elev.)
Engine and nacelle details from all angles
Step and tip float shapes and details
Rib stitching details (and stitch to stitch measurement if possible)
Landing gear (beaching gear) details including front and side views (so I can get the stance correct)
Window/windscreen flashing details
Exterior door and hatches details
If there's documentation for sale (three views, stories, marking reference, etc.) please buy it for me... as long as you have room in your luggage.

Some pictures of the SE5a would be nice.  Although not as necessary as the Stranraer, because there's quite a bit on the internet, it would be nice to have more pictures specificaly for modelling a specific airfraft.  Primariliy, markings (top, bottom, both sides, front), and flying wire connection points to the wings.

And if you have time, it would be nice to have some pictures of the Sunderland... just because it's an awesome plane.

Oh, and the Supermarine Southampton too.  Lots of pictures if you can   :)

Thanks!    ;D


Is that all you want?  ;D  I'll see what I can do!  ;)


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Well, I figured since you're there  ;D

The Stranraer is the priority.  I think it's the only one in existance.  I don't care too much about the others, but I NEED info on the Stranrear...


Well it appears that you're in luck ... just found out that there is one on display in the "Historic Hangers" location.  I guess I'll be heading over there if the Typoon doesn't take all the space on my memory card!  ;)


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


I know!  Why do you think I'm making such large demands?  I think that's the only one in the world!

Thanks in advance  ;)



Can you get me a Spitfire, preferably a Mk.9, but I'd settle for a Mk.5

Thanks! ;D


Well, I actually got to the stage where I did a preliminary test today to see where I would have to position my batteries to attain my CG and I have some good news.  Seems like I'll be able to use the position I had originally cut out for the battery bay after all!  ;D

Way back when ... I had purchased some 8000mah 5S packs (for their weight) and had cut out a battery bay based on their published size.  Well whadya know ... when they came they were juuusssst too big for my bay. DRATS!!! So there was a LOT of head scratching and pondering to find a new spot for my bay.  This baby need sooooo much weight up front to balance that it was rediculous.

Anyways ... based on my tests today it seems like I'll be able to get away with a 56oz pack (as opposed to the 75oz one that I'd ordered! Having said that ... I'll still need an additional 10ozs with the lighter pack to balance but that's still half a pound that I've saved AND I'll get to use my original battery bay! Yay!!


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Man Colin that thing is a beast. 55oz batteries!  Thank goodness you've got those big biceps!!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


That's great, Colin.  I know that was your greatest concern with the build.  Now finishing it off will be easy  ;D



Well, I'm back and what an amazing place the RAF museum was! Got some shots like I'd hoped.  First is the entrance ... second is me and a Hurricane in front of the buildings ... third is me in front of the Typhoon and the fourth is of my Uncle in law standing in front of a "Ferret" Armoured Personnel Carrier. (He's a retired Major in the british army and commanded a squadon of these at one point on his career so I thought it would be cool to take the shot.)


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!