BUSA SE5a, etc. Build

Started by piker, October 01, 2012, 11:43:11 AM

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Way to go Rob, you beat me to it!  (I'm jealous)  Looks awesome in the air!  :)


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Thanks for posting the pictures, Michael, and for your kind words, and for your encouragement and company this evening.  Thanks to Jack and Bill who were also there taking pictures and video.

Yes, I'm happy to announce, after a year's work, that the SE5a flew tonight.  The take-off was smooth and straight forward and the plane flew nicely after a touch of trimming.  I found that I had reduced the aileron and elevator throw too much, and put them back to 100% after landing.  The landing was a little "firm" as I may have brought it in a bit slow and ran out of elevator travel.  Still, nothing the shock absorbing landing gear couldn't handle,

For the second flight, Michael and I (our planes actually) flew around together and we enjoyed the look of the large, graceful, biplanes in the air.  I did a roll on the second flight and that was simple and quite axial.

I landed before Michael and my landing was almost perfect with a couple of flat, controllable bounces.  Of course Michael couldn't let that alone, so his landing with the big Tiger Moth was greased in perfectly with a long roll out on the mains.

I am certainly pleased with the successful first couple of flights of the SE5a.  Now I just have to finish the detailing and dirty the thing up a bit.  It's too clean and simple right now.  I will be flying it at the fun fly next week, unless the winds are too unfriendly.



Thanks Ben and Colin.  Yes, I'm pleased. 

BTW, the plastic hinge on the steerable tail skid broke before I even got a chance to take-off the first time.  Thanks to Michael and his fancy tape work, he was able to get it functional again to survive the two flights, including taxiing. 

I'll have to fix THAT before next weekend.



Very nice... I'm sorry I missed that
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


Congratulations Robert.  the hours of labour and thinking have paid off.  Beautiful job.
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Congratulations Rob! Here's the video I took of the maiden. Sorry it took so long to post....my upload speed is pretty slow. I'll post the flight of the two models tomorrow...
Rob's SE5A maiden


Fabulous! Congrats Robert.

And if you think back a few months, when Greg was getting away with his Fokker, and you two decided there was a mini challenge to finish first? Looks like you win! :)

Wonderful airplane.


Way to go Robert. Once again you have set the bar so high. Great video Bill!
It was even better being there. It looked awesome in the air, so much 'presence'.

I'm looking forward to the video of the two biggies in the air at the same time.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


A few more photos from last evening.



Thanks guys!  It's nice to have all the pictures, and the video is great, Bill.  I like the music and the credits :-)  It's great to have this record of the maiden.



Sorry if you tried to view the movie I posted here yesterday. After a few views, YouTube shut it down, so I removed it. I think the music I added probably broke copyright. Re-did the movie without music :'( and re-posted. Should be available today (2013/08/18) at http://youtu.be/CfuZzu75Qs8...Michael, your landing will be documented!


What was really impressive is how slowly these large and heavy models appeared to be flying.


I understand if you delay the music 15 seconds youpigs  won't pick it up. Don't know for sure though.
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


As in the maiden video,I started the music as Michael began his take-off roll. I'm pretty sure they found the music in both as they sent me a little heads up about the music from the Blue Max that's in the Rob's maiden video. Ben, do you know? Should I get rid of the music on the Maiden video too?


Quote from: Wingnutz on August 18, 2013, 05:17:58 PM
As in the maiden video,I started the music as Michael began his take-off roll. I'm pretty sure they found the music in both as they sent me a little heads up about the music from the Blue Max that's in the Rob's maiden video. Ben, do you know? Should I get rid of the music on the Maiden video too?

Google will find it. No tricks will avoid it. Maiden videos are better without music anyway because you can hear Piker's teeth chattering.