BUSA SE5a, etc. Build

Started by piker, October 01, 2012, 11:43:11 AM

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I haven't had a chance to get back to the fuselage stitching yet (still need to get to Fabricland), but I have experimented a little more with the rib stitching look and I've made a little progress on my "more scale" landing gear mod.

In the first picture below you can see my second attempt at rib stitching, on the left, with my first attempt on the right.  I like the way it looks now, so it's just a matter of applying the technique to the entire plane, top and bottom, with hopes that I can finish before the end of 2013!

The next picture is the landing gear wires with the kit supplied fairings held in place for you to see the original plan.  The next picture is the fairings that I came up with that looks more like the real thing.  I just have to finish grooving out the other pieces (right landing gear strut) then I can glue them on and stain.  I need to also solder on some bits of metal, here and there, to hook the bungee shock too and something to stabilize the little wing that goes between the struts (like Gregs, but smaller).


I've spent the last few days... really a week of bits of time, here and there, working on the fuselage stitching for the SE5a.  See below.


Quote from: piker on March 22, 2013, 12:01:04 PM
I've spent the last few days... really a week of bits of time, here and there, working on the fuselage stitching for the SE5a.  See below.

Guys, having seen this in person I have to say that its stunning!


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Just a quick update so you guys can't ignore me completely  ;)

I HAVE been working away (very slowly) on the rib stitching detail on the SE5a.  Each rib on the wings, top and bottom, and on the stab, fin, and wiggling sirfaces has received a covering "cap strip" to create a bit of depth.  Then I've applied about 2000 little lines of glue across this cap strip to represent the rib stitching.  I finished the wings last night and just need to do two ailerons, and all the tail surfaces. That won't take long (couple of hours).  After that, I have to apply all the stitcjing cap strips to finish the detail.  I hope this part doesn't take too long, but it might as the strips have to be ironed around all the little glue stitches.  I'll take some pictures when I have some finished.  hopefully done the rib stitching detail by the end of the weekend.



Awesome Robert, it's starting to look like my Parkzone ARF!!!!!  ;D


Quote from: sihinch on April 04, 2013, 01:05:04 PM
Awesome Robert, it's starting to look like my Parkzone ARF!!!!!  ;D

You be quiet and just keep bringing snacks to the field  ;D

O.K., since i know Simon is anxious to hear... I finaly finished all the rib stitching the the SE5a, and although it was a lot of work, I think it'll really add to the realism of the build... at least I hope it does...

So I have a question for all you painting experts out there.  I need to paint the roundels on the wings and on the fuselage but i don't want to spray paint with a spray can.  I may consider airbrushing, but will likeyly prefer regular brushing.  I know regular brushing will give a "brushed" look, which normally would be considered a bad thing, but I think it would add to the realism a bit.  I'm going more for the "shabby chic" look  ;D

My question is: where do you guys get your paints.  All I need is acrylic white, primary blue and primary red.  I got some at Michaels last night and although it brushes well and is the correct colour (close enough for me), it paints on very thin.  I'd need several coats of each colour just to get the look I want.  And the look I want is a weather, thinned kinda look.  Is there a better source for paint with more pigment in it.. or at least better quality?  Maybe there are better paints at Michaels and I just need to look closer.




Michael buys his at Home Depot, the sample size.

Oh! you mean the craft store.

Try the acrylic in Dollarama. It's American made and has a lot of pigment.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


I use model master... Testors.. But $$$$ if you are doing something this size.


Quote from: Papa on April 09, 2013, 03:01:59 PM

Try the acrylic in Dollarama. It's American made and has a lot of pigment.


I agree with Jack ... and if you roll it on with a mini foam roller you can get the best of both worlds ... shabby chic and "even". lol!


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Thanks guys.  I really like the Games Workshop (War Hammer) paints, but they are expensive too, and over kill for my roundels.  I may go that route for the pilot painting.

I'll check out the Dollarama, and I like the roller idea.

I'll report back.

Greg.  What paints are you using for the DR-1?  Not Testors, I assume.


I am praying it with tamiya ts paints. Rattle cans. I did my covering in natural solartex. All my graphics are from calli-graphics. Once the base colours are down, I will dry brush the patterns with homedepot acrylics watered down. I am using a 2 inch brush to make the streak patterns.


Thanks for the feedback, Greg!  My SE5a is on hold for a bit while I get my Nooner ready.  I'll be back to the Bipe soon!

BTW, we're on the Team of Diamonds together with Ken C. and Fabiano!  I hope you're getting your Nooner ready as we need to whip the team into racing shape as soon as we can!


Applause for your build, Colin's and all the other experienced guys who are posting builds and inspiring!


O.K.  After a two month break to get my Nooner and Sparrowhawk ready, I'm back to work on the SE5a.  I'm so glad to be back at it as I would like to have this plane flying soon.  How soon, I don't know.

I've attached the control surfaces and have started running the pull-pull cables for the elevator and rudder.  I'm not very far yet, but it's a start.


Hey Rob,

I know this is a different thread but I missed the Sparrowhawk? How does it fly in comparison to the Mew Gull (which I also haven't seen). I noticed you opened a hatch from the top for batteries but how to lock it - just tape?
Can I ask what motor and batteries are you using?

Thank you