Cross wind landing

Started by Bobmic, January 10, 2013, 04:14:43 PM

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Check these guys out...
1. It doesn't look like they use HK landing gear as they seem to hold pretty well.
2. I think they are just show offs are worse they all came back drunk from the same party...
Anyhow some are a bit scary but others are pro's good that the passengers didn't have the camera feed otherwise it wouldn't have ended too good.

Frank v B

Great video game.  The reset button costs about $100 million per time.  Takes a lot of balls to fly like that with 100-200 paying passengers.  They make it look easy.
Makes what we do for fun look very simple and easy.

Frank van Beurden
"Never trade luck for skill"



Love the lightning in the back ground around 7.02!


Notice how they can swivel the undercarriage to point down the runway.

We don't do that .... yet!

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


I did not watch the whole video, but I don't think any of them have swiveling undercarriage.

They maintain track on final by crabbing into the wind, then just before touchdown get lined up to reduce the side load on the gear
by rolling into the wind and giving opposite rudder.

Crosswind Takeoffs and Landings

They do test fully crabbed touchdowns to establish operating limits.

Crosswind Landing Testing