Anyone planning on flying tomorrow ?

Started by Bobmic, February 01, 2013, 06:13:25 PM

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Nice  ;D !!
And they sound so great!

Hope the weather holds and look forward to tomorrow.


I was thinking of coming after work today as other priorities have been dealt with. Just need to make sure batteries are charged.


Just repaired the landing gear on a plane in the shop in preparation to fly Sunday as the weather looks like it will be good. Quite probably I will fly alone again.
Missing TEMAC. Thanks guys for making the club what it was to me. Nirvana
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


It's mutual Ed, Any chance you will be here on the 24th?

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


We all miss you, Ed!
Flying alone is not good.

Please say you will be here next weekend.


I went up to the field last evening. The winds is calm and perfect to (re)maiden my S.E.5a.  Thank you everyone who assisted and gave me advice. I love this plane. (And the Albatros). The best is when flying low and slow across the runway. It's so scale. I am still learning the use of rudder when making turn. 

Here are the videos I recorded earlier.

Note: Please mute if you disliked the music


Time to resurrect the best old thread ever?!

I can't fly today but whose coming out tomorrow, Wednesday?


I'll probably be available.
What time Simon? I'm itching' to fly.

Actually, I can.


I'll be there by 5pm all being well.

Would be great to see you itch, Ken!


I can be there by 6pm, (I'm charging batteries in my office now), but there's an instructor's meeting at 7pm at the Tim Horton's at Woodbine and Stoufville.

Maybe I'll be a bit late for the meeting.  ;D



I went last night (too bad the rest were packing to leave for the meeting). The wind is calm, weather is perfect.  BUT, OMG! I have never thought I got bitten so badly in April. Those mosquitoes are terrible.


Calling all P-51D "Blue Nose" pilots......there will be an unofficial squadron scramble tomorrow, Sat 2nd May.

It will be my first "Blue Nose" sortie so I hope someone experienced can be my wingman.

Get your 60-size warbirds out!


I was having some programming difficulties last night, changing my 'Bluenose' to my new transmitter.

If I can sort it out tonight, I should be there are about 2:30 pm.


Frank v B

I should be there by 2 pm. Saturday after my 9:00 job.   I don't have a blue nose P-51 but I can be a flag man.
I flew today.  A little windy but straight down the runway from the north.
Walked the field and found lots of foam bits, prop bits and a beat-up 6 cell approx. 4,000 mah battery with a yellow connector near the telephone pole beside the road.
Could not find Glenn's canopy/pilot at the south end... but tried!

"Never trade luck for skill"