Safety Reminder

Started by sihinch, April 28, 2013, 08:33:09 PM

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As we prepare for what will hopefully be the best flying season ever, I'd encourage everyone to go to the TEMAC homepage and refresh their memory of our club safety rules.

Our motto is "Have fun. Be safe & be courteous."  Our safety rules are also based on this philosophy, and extend the safety and courtesy to visitors and our neighbours.  As the hobby progresses and there are more models and technologies for us to explore and have fun with, the safety considerations also need to be refreshed and adapted. Plus, last year we had huge growth and learned a few lessons associated with a larger membership, which we've acted upon.

So please, review our field and safety guidelines as a courtesy to your fellow club members and visitors, so that we can all continue to have fun at Rogo Field for years to come!

Look in the "Our Field" section of the homepage, in the "Field rules and safety" section.


Reviewing the rules I have a couple questions of my peers and the executive.

Rule #8 is about noise. I have a couple planes that do create a fair bit of sound. Is there a level that can be measured or is it subject to the boards approval?

Low passes.
How low is low enough to require it be called out?   My flying style is flying relatively low.  I keep aware of other pilots and field activity but want to adhere to the rules. Do I alter my flying style or call low pass on every pass?

Center line of runway.
Would it be possible to request a line be installed on the field center line?   I would gladly do some research into the lines used on baseball and sports fields.

I'm not questioning the rules here just trying to make sure I'm keeping up my end of the deal and continue enjoying TEMAC.
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


All great questions, Ed.  Thank you for reviewing the rules and asking publicly because I'm sure others will have the same questions.

We debated at length the noise issue. In the end we arrived at the decision that we would not implement a level. Andy knows more about this than I do, but noise nuisance depends on frequency, altitude and duration. I'm sure there are other factors too.  We're going to rely on common sense and the need for unanimous decision making (of the Board.)

For low passes, this wasn't discussed.  And I guess this is also subjective.  My personal opinion is that a low pass would be less than 30ft.  Would love to hear the opinion of others.

We did discuss the center line issue. We're planning to use flour again (and I think we used some baking soda?) down the runway, to change the grass colour, just like the fun fly. I think it fertilized the grass or something? Just waiting for the grass seed to take a bit.

Hope this helps. As always, we'll consider member feedback to improve the fun and safety of the club.



My personal feeling is that any pass that's low enough that it would interfere with a take off/launch or landing would require being called out.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Are you guys sure about rule number 10:
"Helicopters should be flown on the flying field in the pattern with due regard for the other pilots in the pattern. Hovering may be done south of the pit area."

I have never seen a helicopter flying in a pattern with other helicopters or planes. Although I haven't seen many Helicopters flying at Temac keep in mind that part of the fun with helicopters is stopping in mid air and flying backwards this is way they usually fly in a boxed area not in a pattern.
As for practicing Hovering - I guess it was meant south of the pit area and behind the flight line.

-Hope the Heli guys don't get me wrong, I love them but I have been in that side of the fence and unfortunately Heli's and planes do not mix well beside in a plastic trash bag.



I guess like everything there are a couple of schools of thought on the subject. We tried to go "middle-of-the-road" and choose one that should work but we knew it would not please everyone.

Flying in the pattern and behaving like a fixed wing would seem safe yet if you stop or do any aerobatics in the pattern that would be dangerous. What we hoped was that if you wanted to do the fancy stuff you would peel off and do it outside the pattern.

If anyone has a better idea we would welcome the discussion.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"

flying IT

I have to agree with Jack.  Bad things can happen between a helicopter doing stunts and
Most Epic RC mid air collision crash ever captured at SCCMAS




Not sure I would be comfortable with this! Would love to have heard or known the pilots briefing comments.


Quote from: sihinch on February 06, 2014, 08:51:56 PM

Not sure I would be comfortable with this! Would love to have heard or known the pilots briefing comments.

I think the rules were limited to "Try not to spill your beer"
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Ah the good old days.

What you did not get was the sound of lovely diesels running at full chat, the smell of caster oil and ether. I did and what glorious memories and flash backs I enjoyed.

You will notice they had lot's of officials shouting 'eads up'. What more do you need. Even the one's who got hit were only stunned. Of course it's hard to know with a Brit if he was stunned before or after.  LOL.

Here's a picture. Put a recent ZD in among that lot, wouldn't that be a howl!

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


ya know, as crazy as it looked (and was) to our disciplines eyes, it sure did bring back memories of the casual, fun side of the hobby.  Everyone standing in a field with model airplanes.  The kids even had their bikes there and even the wives were having a blast.

But I'm not recommending we take a page outta THAT book  :)


Quote from: piker on February 06, 2014, 11:05:47 PM
it sure did bring back memories of the casual, fun side of the hobby.

Don't we have fun?


Of course!   ;D

Sorry.  That's not what I meant.

I guess I'm thinking more along the lines of walking out into a grassy field as a kid and tossing a free flight model into the air and watching what happens.  Maybe the winter is making me feel nostalgic  :)


That video looked like the first student night from last year.  ;D

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.