Flight Instruction

Started by thehaze, May 21, 2013, 06:24:12 PM

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Old habits die hard, Imran... You don't have to go for training tonight!  You're free!   ;D

But I guess it's still O.K. to go flying for fun.  I MAY be there tonight, too, with some small planes.



Fly whenever we can :D

See you guys there
Truly superior pilots are those who use their superior judgment to avoid those situations where they might have to use their superior skills.


Please remember that every courtesy and consideration should be extended to students on a Wednesday; It's good for students to learn to fly with other people around but they have priority in the airspace.   :)

Just another example of our clubs values in action - Have fun! Be safe & be courteous.  :)


Truly superior pilots are those who use their superior judgment to avoid those situations where they might have to use their superior skills.


Remeber to get a cheezy hat too!  ;o)


"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


You guys have a Homer reference for everything  ;D


The forecast did as promised and the winds died down enough tonight for us to get a lot of flying in. Although it was pretty cold out (Hello? Summer?)

I'm pleased to announce that both Frank and Vic earned their MAAC wings tonight! They flew their models superbly and have been very enthusiastic new members of the club. (Don't worry Jack there are photos)

Hopefully the weather will be warmer next week.


Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Yeah, congrats to Frank and Vic! 2 more pilots through Mike's excellent training programme!

Have fun Guys!


Many thanks to all the instructors for all their dedication, experience, and guidance. The learning process has "set me free" to some extent. But there is always more to learn.

I celebrated my passage into pilot-hood by buying a ParkZone Visionaire. I have read through the manual (some parts more than once). All the parts are installed in the right place. I have set up my transmitter and have even got my DX5e buddy-boxed to my DX7. All the trims are trimmed. It is ready to fly!

The following is a probably a stupid question...

Any takers to check out and maiden this airplane and help with some buddy-box time on Wednesday evening?

Vic Whitmore
Do it while you can.


I'm always game!

Bring it out. It'll be fun

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Conditions for training tonight look good.

Charge your batteries and I will see you at the field. As always, instruction starts at 6pm.

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Good stuff!
Batteries are charged and looking forward to seeing you there.



The wind was a little challenging between 5 and 6 o'clock, but then it pretty much calmed down to almost 0 kpm.

Although Vic already has his wings, he came out to maiden his new Parkzone VisionAire 3D flyer, and by his second flight was doing some really nice aerobatics. The plane flies extremely slowly at 1/2 throttle and is a big change from an Apprentice.

This was Graham's second time out, and he was taking off, flying smoothly and landing nicely, as if he has been doing it for years. Apparently though, he has, except with full scale aircraft, so I guess he knows a few things about flying already.  ;D

Richard flew his Super Cub a couple times, and he's progressing really well, too. On his second flight he flew completely from hand-launch until landing. It was great!

Michael H, our esteemed Chief Flight Instructor worked with others, including Dash, who was learning on an Apprentice, and Burt who's really practicing those landings.

It was a very pleasant evening.


Many thanks to Michael and Mike for another wonderful evening of flying.  Your dedication and patience are very much appreciated!

While my full scale experience may be helpful in knowing what the aircraft should do, learning and executing it from this new perspective remains the challenge.  Still lots to learn but here's hoping practice and practice makes better and better...