Piker Class Team Racing

Started by Papa, June 10, 2013, 05:26:15 PM

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Frank v B

Simon, you were close:

I am going to hold off on the 3rd and newest award with the name HPNRWNINEM*.

"Highest Placing Nooner Race Winner Whose Name Is Not Ed McM."

"Never trade luck for skill"


My Nooner is currently being repaired; I'm still hanging in.




Nooner repaired.

Ugly, but flyable.



Good luck to Mike and Glenn of Team Hearts! Hoping you get 1 & 2 in the final.

Ed told me he wasn't feeling confident this weekend!!!!


I was going to let you win this one Simon.  Too  bad your off gallivanting around the globe. As the wolves are gaining momentum I think its time I prop UP!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


A little bird told me that Hearts took the win!!!

Way to go team!

(It was on the BBC news at 10!)


Wooooo!!!! Team Hearts is moving up the standings!

I warned you guys, I wasn't coming out to race, I was coming out to win!

Some people my remember things a little differently today. But in my mind, it was pretty much like this...

Ricky Bobby's First Race

Shake and Bake!!!!  ;D
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


I really enjoyed the racing today and learned that it is a really intense exercise. Wow, it is fast.

I shot a couple of vids of launches that you might enjoy watching, then commenting on the techniques (or lack thereof). Have fun!

This video is of the Consolation group. Now I know that Consolation usually means you have some consolation about not quite making the big league. Now I have found out from watching this competition there is some other consoling happening here.

Link to first video:

Now we have the pros launching. They were in the finals group...no consoling here.


Vic W
Do it while you can.


Nice videos!

That's my plane crashing in the first video.

As much as I find this extremely challenging, I regret informing you all that the damage to my plane is very minor, and it will be ready to race next time.  ;D


Wow I try to spread out the winning trophy and this is the thanks I get?  I recommend you sleep with and spend your days with the trophy by your side till the next race...

My precious!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Here are today's results.

Sorry they are coming out so late, I fell asleep watching TV after supper.

Must have been more beat than I thought.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"



OK, my Nooner is ready to fly.

True, it looks more like an exercise in CA, packing tape and epoxy, and maybe the motor shaft is bent a tiny bit, but I intend to lose the honourable way!  ;D



well done on the racing to day boys! Some great action and fierce flying!
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"