2013-64 TEMAC Tickler, Scratch Building Course 2014.

Started by Papa, October 18, 2013, 11:44:40 PM

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A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Sign me up Jack. Looks like a great build, and I can certainly use some pointers on my balsa construction knowledge.
Hopefully you can find a community center space somewhat southish.


I'm in too. And second the Southern proposal!!! :-)



That sure is a pretty little plane, and it looks like a fun build.  The lines of the model and some features, like all those stringers and fake ribs, will be very rewarding to see taking shape.

I'm very interested in joining the build group.  It'll be a lot of fun.  Count me in!

I just hope my boss will let me take three evenings off/month... two for this and one for the pilot's meeting.  I guess I'll have to make up for lack of time with lots of enthusiasm   ;D

Sooooo.... next year.... Skywriter pylon racing?  Or, maybe we can form a formation aerobatics team...


BTW, I find this group build scenario very exciting as this hobby is very much a social activity yet the majority of our time devoted to the hobby (especially those of us who build from scratch or kits) is spent in isolation.

Building is very rewarding because of the huge sense of accomplishment as each step is completed.  It'll be even more rewarding when we get to share those accomplishments with the rest of the group who will have a full appreciation for what is involved.  Can't wait!



Thank you both for your support and enthusiasm.


A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Hi Jack,

My dad and I have decided that we would like to build one together as a family project.

Looking forward to it ;D

Truly superior pilots are those who use their superior judgment to avoid those situations where they might have to use their superior skills.


Jack, I will be attending the classes but I'm sharing a kit with Imran Lalani as I'm leaving in April and won't be here to finish the classes.
Any day at the field is a good day :)


Wow! Pretty cool model and impressive class list on this thread. Don't want to miss this! Count me in! CNC kit mentioned ...I know this violates true scratch building, but I'd definitely like one of those. How do I get it?



Wait 'til it goes on sale. I will let you all know.
Maybe we can do a group buy and save some shipping costs.

I think that CNC wood packs are the new "Scratch". I have recently come to terms with myself and accepted this. Why not use progress to our advantage? The demands on our time are too great not to take short cuts.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


There are several levels of building. 

From a kit
From plans with a short kit of parts
From plans with self cut parts
From three views and photo
and own original design.

Some only consider it scratch building if you have to create the plans first.  I consider also building from plans and cutting out all the pieces to be scratch building, but my most preferred method of building is from a kit or short kit.  It's a real pain in the butt to have to cut out all those parts and it doesn't offer the same satisfaction as building up structures.  So, I'll usually always choose pre cut parts if that's an option and the material selection is good.

Count me in for a short kit too.