CL-415 winter project.

Started by wollins, November 11, 2013, 12:03:20 AM

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Fabrication of an "extension box" to make up the difference in space between the nacelles and cowls.

Rough sanded, shaped and attachment tabs attached.

Rough trial fit of cowls

Pic #4
Spackled and blended ... ready for recovering. ;D


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Done!  ;D I'm pretty bad at covering and even worse at patching but it doesn't look too too bad. (even though the patch seams are more obvious in person) That's the good news.  The bad news is that now one of my brand new motors, IS A DUD. So now I have to get a replacement which should take at least a week and a half. Anyways at least I'll aim to get the rest of the plane completely finished by then.


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Looks great!

But that motor thing sounds like an excuse for not flying it this weekend.   :P

BTW, I just ordered a new motor today at lunch, and should have it on Monday or Tuesday... but I buy local   ;D


Well, for the past few days I've been TRYING to acquire a couple oif replacement motors form a guy off of RCGroups. Man, what a disaster! Guy reneged on the deal once ... claimed the shipping was more than he quoted me and refunded my money. After I offered to pay the "extra" shipping he re accepted (is that a word? lol!) my money and then reneged AGAIN after claiming that the PO or UPS or whomever was gonna ding him another extra charge. So he refunded my money again.

Who makes a deal and then renegs?  >:(

I was hoping to get her completely done (and flyable) for the scratch built fun fly but this is a setback. Anyway, I've ordered some replacements from HK using their Purolater shipping option so hopefully it'll get here within the YEAR::) 

Meanwhile I've been putting the finishing touches on the plane and it's looking good if I may say so myself so I may just bring her to the FunFly anyway.  ;D


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


It deserves to be at the fun fly Colin!


Final bit of paint finally put onto the plane, thank goodness.  All that masking just for one white stripe! lol!


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Very nice!

Hey, you can fly it on a single motor tomorrow.  You should have enough fin area.   :P


Nah ... that motor has already been reassigned to the Dart which I WILL be bringing tomorrow! :)


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Quote from: wollins on July 23, 2014, 11:35:07 AM
Well, for the past few days I've been TRYING to acquire a couple oif replacement motors form a guy off of RCGroups. Man, what a disaster! Guy reneged on the deal once ... claimed the shipping more than he quoted me and refunded my money. After I offered to pay the "extra" shipping he re accepted (is that a word? lol!) my money and then reneged AGAIN after claiming that the PO or UPS or whomever was gonna ding him another extra charge. So he refunded my money again.

Who makes a deal and then renegs?  >:(

I was hoping to get her completely done (and flyable) for the scratch built fun fly but this is a setback. Anyway, I've ordered some replacements from HK using their Purolater shipping option so hopefully it'll get here within the YEAR::) 

Meanwhile I've been putting the finishing touches on the plane and it's looking good if I may say so myself so I may just bring her to the FunFly anyway.  ;D


Make sure you give the guy a poor rating on RCGroups. It'll help others to avoid him.


Funny thing about that "dud" motor ... on a whim I decided to use it in my newly acquired Culver Dart yesterday and it seemed fine!  For some reason it seemed fine before hand by just spinning it up by hand and without a prop so I decided to chance it in the Dart for its maiden.  :o

I figured what better way to test it than in a real world situation.  ;D Another reason that I installed it in that plane is because I didn't pay much for the plane so I didn't have that much to lose if the motor seized and I couldn't save it.

Well, it performed great and after three back to back flights came down just luke warm and there was no sign of the former bearing problems that were apparent before. So ... I might just use it in the 415 IF my replacement motors don't arrive with in the next week or so.  I'm tired of waiting to enjoy this plane!  ;D

I know one thing that I've learned in this build is to start earlier for my Albatross build this coming winter. Actually on second thoughts maybe I'll just sell the Albatross kit to Michael since he had expressed an interest in buying the same kit. The last thing I need is for a master builder to build the same kit that I'm building thereby exposing all my building inadequacies! lol!


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Don't be afraid of Michael.  Just do a better job than him.   ;D

I can understand not wanting to have two identical planes, but they will be very cool, and can be made to look very different.


Colin, in my opinion you are a more patient and better builder than I am.

I'd happily buy the kit from you for the full amount you paid, but if you choose to build it, and if I build one, I promise to use a different finish.



Quote from: Michael on July 28, 2014, 08:42:11 PM
Colin, in my opinion you are a more patient and better builder than I am.

I'd happily buy the kit from you for the full amount you paid, but if you choose to build it, and if I build one, I promise to use a different finish.

Sent you a PM, Mike.


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Ok, I've finally received my replacement motors, installed them and we're ready to fly again! Whoo hoo!


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


BTW, while I was waiting, I did the striping on the vertical stab.  First pic is the full size plane (obviously! lol!) and the other two pics are mine.


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!