CL-415 winter project.

Started by wollins, November 11, 2013, 12:03:20 AM

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Quote from: Tom M. on February 09, 2014, 06:56:21 PM
  Your build is looking great, Colin. Regarding schedules, I find I have enough of those at work, and don't want the stress in my hobby. I certainly have an idea in mind as to how long things MIGHT take (and then use Jack's 2,5 multiplier :)) but really my attitude is it'll take as long as it takes. The "deadline" for my current project is "spring"- March would be good but May is also possible. I spend as much time in the shop as I can, but it will still only be done when it's done.
Anyway, the way this winter's going unfrozen water won't be available 'till July, so no rush for your water bomber- she's going to be a beaut.

Tom, the only problem is that I have two ARFs and another kit to build for this season so time is of essence!  ::) I hear ya though ... no point getting all stressed out over it. After all we fly these things to get away from our otherwise stressful lives!   ;D  Andy ... thanks for the kudos!


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Got the finlets (attached to the H stab) done today. One of the four things that distinguish the 415 from the 215.  The others are the engines (turbo props as opposed to radials), the winglets and the bullet fairing at the tailplane.  Next up is the access hatch and the cockpit.


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


That looks cool!  I hope you haven't already glued the finlets to the stab.  You should do that after covering.


Quote from: piker on February 13, 2014, 10:57:24 AM
That looks cool!  I hope you haven't already glued the finlets to the stab.  You should do that after covering.

No, figured that much out! lol!  Nothing that you see in these pics so far have been glued into place yet.  Heck, they haven't even been sanded. (that's not fully true, I did glue in ONE side of the hinges on the H stab and the rudder. ;))  Working on the cockpit/hatch now.


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


This hatch/cockpit build is the most frustrating part of this build thus far. There was so much fiddley stuff  to do just to get it to this stage. (grrrrrr) As you can see from my list at,4354.msg26892.html#msg26892 I wasn't planning on doing the nose block/planking just yet but have to do it to complete the anchoring of the cockpit.



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Another first for me today ... planking!  Finally she's starting to acquire some "lines" to her. (was getting tired of just seeing sticks!) 


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


These boys have been waiting for somewhere to sit for a long time! lol! I know progress has been slow but when I frame those windows and build and attach the nose and sheet this fuse she'll finally look like I've made some major progress.  ;)  All this will be completed this week!


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Looks like she's already ready for the pilots, Colin!  ;)


Lookin' gooooooood!  Are you still enjoying the build?


I HATE EVERY MOMENT OF IT! Nah I'm kidding ... I've come to the conclusion that I like working with balsa. (CA glue is another story!)  I find it very forgiving in the sense that if I make mistakes I can splice, patch, adjust etc and then just smooth over my "fix" with some filler and nobody is any the wiser! lol!

So did a little bit more ... got the windows all framed up ... such a small detail but it makes a big difference. 


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Also got the nose done. First pic is of how it started out ... a few pieces of laminated balsa and then the grinding, chopping and sanding began.  ;D Pleased with how it turned out. Just have to finish off the hatch and sheet the fuse by this weekend and I've made my goal for the week!


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Now that's a good looking nose job  ;D
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


Great work!  Keep going.  float flying season is fast approaching!


Ok guys, opinions/advice needed. As far as joining sheeting together what's the best method?  This is what I did:

1. Taped the underside of the sheets together
2. Flipped it over, opened the sheets along the seam so that inside the seam is somewhat opened (while still being held together by the tape on the underside) and laid down my glue in the seam.
3. Closed the seam and wiped off excess and the laid down parchment paper over the seam and "ironed" it with a block while it set. (10 minutes)

Originally I was going to tape the glued seam and then weigh it down (as opposed to step three above) but I was concerned that the tape would pull up the wood upon removal. However, I did just that method with my second "joining job" and it came away cleanly so both seemed to work just as well but the second method wasn't as labour intensive as I could do other things while the glue set as opposed to ironing it down.  ;D

In any event, which method is most used?


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


I use the second method exclusively.

Because the glue is enclosed the curing time is much longer.
I generally leave it for 3 or 4 hours or preferably overnight.

because you are using a water based glue you will need the
weight(s) to contact almost the whole seam. with your system
I would use a straight piece of wood between the weights and the seam.

Another method is to use a caul and two clamps. a caul is a slightly curved
piece of wood that is used to clamp long glue joints. The high part is in the
middle and as pressure is applied to ends you get a uniform force over the
whole joint.

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"What other people think of me is none of my business"