
Started by imran1042, April 30, 2014, 11:47:08 PM

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Hey Everyone!
   Imran L and I have come up with a cool event that we would like to do at the field! I leave for Switzerland on July 4th. It would be the only I event I participate in before I leave, therefore I really want to do it and I think it is pretty challenging and fun!

Bomb Drop Challenge.
Basically everyone builds a device on their plane of choice that can drop a "bomb" on command, pretty simple. There will be a circle drawn on the runway indicating where to drop the bomb, the size is not determined yet. There will be multiple rounds where the people who got there bomb in the target will move on. Everyone will get 3 tries in each round- Take off, drop the bomb, land, reload and repeat.

- The bomb can be made out of foam or wood or you can use something you have lying around.- You can make a piece of foam look cool and drop it or if you have anything else you would like to drop you can.
-Your plane must be at least power by a 480 size motor and you must be on full throttle while dropping the "bomb"
-You must be at least around 50ft above then target (can change depending on what size we decide to make the target)
-You can use guided bombs BUT there will be a size limit of a 9inch wingspan and 9inch in length, no limits to a non-guided bomb.
- Guided bombs can only have servos- NO motor, and no you cannot rip the motor off a micro plane and drop it, it has to be scratch build
- If you are using a guided bomb you will most likely have a team of 2, one person flying the bomb and one flying the plane. Of course that's fine.

I can supply Pizza, if someone else could help or even bring drinks it would be amazing!

If you like the idea or think we should change something let me know! If everyone's up to it then I can discuss a date with Jack
Any day at the field is a good day :)


Hey Imran,

Somehow I missed this post... until now.

I like the idea!  Years ago, I used to have fun dropping bombs or parachutes from my planes.  It was always challenging to get the things (especially parachutes) to land anywhere near what you intend   :)

I was actually thinking of the same thing for the next float fly.

One of the most fun we've had at a fun fly (prior to TEMAC's great events) was the time I brought out paper cups and ping pong balls for a spot drop contest.  People strapped the cup to the top of their plane, put a ball inside, then tried to figure out how to drop it.  The first challenge was keeping the ball in the cup for take-off, then different techniques to drop, from rolling, looping, to a sudden dip in flight course, were tried.  Eventually, Andre won with the sudden dip technique.

Lots of fun!


Thanks for replying Robert! I'm glad you like the idea! The way you used to drop the "bomb" sounds a lot more challenging and really fun! We could definitely add that as a way to drop the "bomb" in the chellenge! As for doing it at a float fly, that would be pretty interesting and sounds like a good idea.  :) .. again, anyone else think its a good idea?
Any day at the field is a good day :)


Truly superior pilots are those who use their superior judgment to avoid those situations where they might have to use their superior skills.


I certainly think this is a fun idea, and I applaud your enthusiasm and inginuity.  Thank you.

With the racing series, lots of my time is spent repairing and fine tuning my racing fleet.  And now with the new runway, I want to try some more planes with wheels and practice my take-off and landing technique.  Also, I have instruction on a Wednesday that I enjoy but takes time.

For me, I'm not sure that getting equipment or modifiying a plane to take a bomb-drop mechanism, would not be a high priority.  Sorry.  :-\ 

However, if we picked a day and did something like Robert suggested, and modified the plane at the field on the day of the event then this could be fun:

"One of the most fun we've had at a fun fly (prior to TEMAC's great events) was the time I brought out paper cups and ping pong balls for a spot drop contest.  People strapped the cup to the top of their plane, put a ball inside, then tried to figure out how to drop it.  The first challenge was keeping the ball in the cup for take-off, then different techniques to drop, from rolling, looping, to a sudden dip in flight course, were tried."  :) 


Alright, thats fair. Although I really want to make a mechanism that drops a bomb (because I have nothing better to do  :P ) . In that case i think there can be people that do it the way Robert did it and people that build a mechanism to drop a bomb.  ;D

Any day at the field is a good day :)


Hey guys I'm kinda reviving this thread because the skills challenge is coming up, and it would be really cool to see something like this as one of the challenges. Even something simple like the cup and ping pong ball idea would be great. ;D
Truly superior pilots are those who use their superior judgment to avoid those situations where they might have to use their superior skills.


I have always wanted to do something like this.
You can attach the cup to your airplane just by using rubber bands.
I think there would be some real laughs!

Actually, I can.