Frenchman's Bay Float Fly, Thursday, June 26 at 4:30pm

Started by piker, June 24, 2014, 11:51:23 AM

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Hey guys! 

Here's an opportunity for some more wonderful float flying.  We have a scheduled event for this Thursday (two days from now), June 26 at 4:30!

We're back at Frenchman's bay this time...the site of Colin's perfect test flight of his scratch built water bomber!

I hope everyone can make it.  The weather forecast is looking good, so I expect a perfect evening of float flying.

See you there!,-79.1147209/43.8122371,-79.0922973/@43.8129031,-79.1015995,1434m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m3!4m2!1m0!1m0


Andre Albuquerque

Be careful... it's always too close, no matter how far...


I will make it, but probably not till 6:30pm, gotta go home get my planes, get some eats


I gotta change my login name.It is not a good handle to have in the float flying arena, although it was an interesting evening to say the least.


Hey!  I never got around to reporting about this event... until now...

Well, I was a little concerned about the turnout on a Thursday evening, AND, it was the day before I was to head off to Kingston for the fun fly there.  My focus was not on float flying but rather getting my planes ready and packed so I could leave the next morning.

So as a good float flying enthusiast, I arrived at the Bay just a little after 4:30 ready to meet the gang and enjoy a nice evening of flying.  I was the only one there, so I waited... and waited... and wondered why I was wasting my time sitting there when there was so much work to do at home.

Eventually, Russell, the guy who went swimming for his RC boat at the first float fly of the year, arrived to watch the float flying.  A while later, Nestor arrived.  The three of us waited around, wondering if anyone else was going to show.  Eventually, almost two hours later, some people started to arrive.  Gerry, Mike B., Peter, and Ken C., turned up, and we started flying.

Although it took a long time to get started, we eventually had a great evening of flying.  Even though there was a fairly steady wind the whole evening, we flew until sunset, and I only used the boat once, to unhook my Cub from the weeds.

So, as ALWAYS, we had a great time float flying, and I look forward to the next event when I hope a lot more flyers can take part.  The next one will probably be at Tavares Pond... to be confirmed.


Hi Pike,

i'm sad reading this report, I was planning to swing by but I had a last minute business trip. I'm always available to fly @ Frenchman's bay, as soon as I'm home (Ajax). I'm sure I will be joining you next time with my beaver @ Tavares....
Andre Albuquerque

Be careful... it's always too close, no matter how far...


Thanks for the encouraging words, Andre   :)

I just continue to wonder about the value of the scheduled, weekday evening float fly's.  We (Jack and I) try to book some, for those who say that Saturday evenings are not good for their schedules, but then we end up with a very small turnout.  My concern is that those who work, will have a hard time getting there at 4:30 in the afternoon (I have to leave work 2-1/2 hours early), especially while fighting rush hour traffic, and those who don't work, still need to deal with that traffic.  Saturday, or Sunday evenings just seem more casual to me.   

Anyway, the next one is on a Saturday  ;D


When is the next float fly, kind of windy today at the field.


Next float fly is next Saturday, July 12 at 3:00... at Tavares pond!!