Waypoint function for Phantom Vision / Vision +

Started by Oscar, June 24, 2014, 03:42:34 PM

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DJI just released the Way point function for Vision and Vision+. You need to download the app for your iPhone or android phone. And upgrade the firmware to your phantom.

That means you can set the way point course and let the phantom take the photos/video for you while you are flying your plane. This will be 3PV (3rd person view) from the air.

Here is their demo video
DJI - Introducing Ground Station for the Phantom ...: http://youtu.be/iaf1uwvdobA


neat.... going to give it a go on your phantom?
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"



Please exercise caution when using waypoints function, quads are already extremely complicated machines relying on a multitude of sensors and data streams just to hover let alone flying in any direction, I personally would not use waypoints, it is relinquishing control of an already complex system which relies on GPS data in conjunction with all these sensors, these machines have been known to fly away while seemingly under the control of the pilot, the kijiji ads for phantoms last seen flying in every direction are a testament to their complexity and quirky behaviour. I have had my scares before, if that phantom displays a set of flashes you do not recognize, do not fly it.

Plug it onto NAZA assistant and check all the parameters, recalibrate IMU, STICKS, COMPASS, AND THE LOT!
And it is good practice to have a small pair of binoculars handy while using waypoints, if by any chance it does do something funny or fly off, you can better track it's position and heading. Also, please utilize the range limits introduced by DJI, in the assistant software, you can set the range limits that your phantom will obey, 50 meters out and up for example, these are very handy after a firmware upgrade. After every firmware upgrade, because bugs are almost always present in them and ironed out later, set limits low for the first few flights, I use a 50 meter limit for the first few flights after an upgrade, that way if a bug is present, you may be glad your phantom is within an imaginary cage.

There's an interesting story about how that limits feature came to be, but I don't want to scare anyone or rain on their fun flying the phantom lol, it is also a good idea to regularly check the phantom physically for any issues, the bearings can fail, and as they do they begin to translate vibration to the phantom, which the NAZA controller hates and becomes confused when it vibrates too much, motor bearings show signs of failure before they fail, see for yourself, lightly hold the base of the motor, around the frame below motor, and with your finger, snap spin the prop quickly, you will feel if the motor is spinning smoothly or is grinding, sometimes one will feel coarse or grindy, this is an indication of a rough bearing, oil them after every 10 flights, pinnacle sells bearing oil in little syringes by the register. I can go on forever about multi rotors, and all their quirks, especially the DJI line, but I don't want to bore everyone silly, enjoy your machines and please don't set waypoints then fly your plane lol.


Andy Hoffer

Excellent post Eddie.  Your cautions are well taken.  In particular, I would not want to relinquish positive hands-on control of any device in the air.  I am not certain if MAAC has taken a position on this yet, but common sense would indicate a potential safety risk in relying solely on the internal GPS.  I would not be flying one device when a second goes AWOL.  I think we already have enough just handling radio glitches.

Thanks for you insights.

Andy Hoffer


There are no radio glitches.

Only undeclared Pilot glitches.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"