Sun cream

Started by sihinch, July 04, 2014, 11:22:19 PM

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OK, let's have some fun.....I am going in to this with full awareness......

We are all (mostly) sensible chaps and protect ourselves against the dangers of the sun. But it's awful when sun screen makes you too sweaty or if it gets in your eyes and is stingy for ever.....

So, based on our vast joint experience, what is the best/your favourite sun cream!?




I'm a skin cancer survivor. Mine was not resulting from exposure to sunlight but rather scar tissue from a childhood injury that changed character. I grew up before sun blocks were invented. I have a somewhat cynical few of these products as an industry driven advertising, money making exercise. I worked in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries for 17 years and have some knowledge of how these products are developed and marketed. There are a lot of artificial chemicals in these creams and sprays and I'm not sure what effect they have when absorbed into the skin.

I believe that all things in moderation will not hurt you but extremes of any sort can be dangerous.

There are benefits to be gained from some exposure to the sunshine such as vitamin D. This is my personal view and choice and I offer it as an alternative but encourage everyone to act as they see fit and in their own best interest.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


We are not doctors, and no one should rely on personal advice on how to protect yourself from the sun. Be responsible and talk to your doctor.

Personally, I also had skin cancer (mild, and now completely gone), and my doctor told me that I must where a hat, sun glasses, and sun-screen.


I use the clear spray-on sport SPF 60. Worked in Kingston where I felt like and ant under a magnifying glass.



Wow!  Wow!  That's fascinating.

Thanks for posting, Ben.


That IS very cool and enlightening.  I'm always being told off by my wife for getting too much sun, even though I always wear sun screen.  Its hard to avoid the sun in our outdoor hobby.  Just keep applying and reapplying.


God Bless consumerism.
Isn't just wonderful.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Oh Jack.  You're just being grumpy   ;D

When I was a kid, we never wore sunscreen and I don't think I burned at all.  Now I get fried if I'm outside without sunscreen for half an hour (middle of the day when the sun is out of course).... and I'm not really considered fair skinned.


My point exactly.

Grumpy my A**.

Practical, yes.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


I've always worn hats, used sunglasses and put on sunscreen as a precaution, SPF 30. I'm also a cancer survivor of malignant melanona (on the inside of my right ear where the sun never reached). My dermatologist told me that the vast majority of melanomas occur where the "sun never shines". His advice is to once a month have someone check you over where you can't see - back, bottoms of feet, etc.. With the right person it can even be fun!

His take on sunscreen was that it helps, but its more important to simply wear a hat, avoid prolonged sun exposure as much as possible along with the thorough, all over, once a month check.
