TEMAC Annual Fun Fly - Debriefing

Started by frajolex, August 24, 2014, 05:37:37 PM

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I'm loss of words. I truly wasn't expecting an event like this.

I'm so proud of being part of this club, I've never seen so many people in this club... what a friendly environment...

And all the effort the club staff put not only on this event, but through the whole year...

My personal thank you to you all.

The event was an absolute success!  8)
Andre Albuquerque

Be careful... it's always too close, no matter how far...



Thanks for your kind words. It was an awesome day wasn't it?

I know it may sound like a cliche but it's the people that make our club. Our club culture, character and persoanlity comes from our members. You Guys! Us!

It's the fact that's it's such a great club that makes all our Board members and volunteers give back and contribute.

Thanks everyone for our fabulous day!


Yes!  Awesome fun fly today!

Despite the awkward wind, everyone flew and flew a lot, and had a great time!


It was a great funfly, and it was fantastic seeing so many friends!

Frank v B

What a great day... all around.  Friends, weather, food, flying and crashing (I'm two planes down, 38 to go or as Gregor would say.. I'm down to a bare bones collection).  It is also proof we can have fun on a Hoffer-Free day but we seem to have to work a lot harder at it.  Great to see out-of-towners Martin, Andre W., Al Bstaff and the Hinchcliffe gang there as well.

The best was seeing Bill Q maiden his 60 size Norseman. It lifted off in five feet.  The boy sure learned quickly how to create something out of balsa.  A star student of last year's TEMAC Build Classes.


"Never trade luck for skill"


Wow! Thanks for the kind words Frank!
Time for me to find some kind words for TEMAC too which I could not find when I was given the Special Recognition Award today. Like Andre, I was at a loss for words as the award was completely unexpected. Like Simon, I feel this award is really deserved by the whole TEMAC club, especially the brave souls who pitched in to build the runway back in May. Thanks guys...it is a great group of people and I'm proud to be a TEMACer!
Best part for me was watching Colin's water bomber...a true scratch build! Great job Colin!


It was the best fun fly ever. I spent more time talking then flying. Lol.  Did anyone upload the warbirds formation?


There were so many great models. I am surprised that I didn't get more pictures.


A day like yesterday does not happen without a lot of people stepping up and doing stuff. It speaks to the caring atmosphere in our club that know one refused me when asked to help.

Thank you:

Frank van Beurden
Gerald Dannen
Greg Hazelton
Grace Hazelton
Graham McNichol
Michael Rogozinsky
Bill Quantock
Simon Hinchcliffe
Greg Cadez
Robert Pike
Dave Morrow
Richard Weernink
Fabiano Prieto
Andre Albuquerque
Ken Ross
Ken Rawlins
The Board.

And thank you to all who showed up and supported our efforts, you are the greatest.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"

Frank v B

Hey, Bill Q: re: your comment.

"especially the brave souls who pitched in to build the runway"

Stop being so modest. :)

You put it all together.  There were about 24 people who came out to help but without your guidance we would have had two dozen 15'x15' checkerboard* runways all over the field.  You made sure it was in one piece and straight, something way beyond our capabilities.


* chess anyone?? ;D
"Never trade luck for skill"


Disappointment is not enough to describe me not being able to attend.  I had to work sunday.

I did fly with the "locals" Saturday and you all should be jealous...  It involved people standing in the middle of the field flying with others flying over them,  Some flying over the pits and parking area because "the sun wasn't there" along with a couple of people that fly totally random directions be it into over and around the other pilots.  Heck a couple even took off in the parking area!

Hard to imagine but I miss the rules of TEMAC almost as much as the people!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


 ;D Great event! Worth the drive!



A great event (even though my flying was somewhat unauspicious!) My only regret was being unable to fly my Nieuport because of the wind direction. Kudos to Robert and Glen for their WWI flights. As Al said, well worth the drive.

Thanks for hosting,

If you can't make it perfect, make it adjustable.


A few shots taken @ the event
Andre Albuquerque

Be careful... it's always too close, no matter how far...


Wow who ever flew in with there full scale SE5 must have been impressed to make it look just like Roberts model. Impressive other photos too!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?