Martin Irvine (Kingston) won an award at Toledo for his biplane

Started by Michael, April 17, 2015, 08:07:22 AM

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I saw that too. It's great news. Congratulations Martin. It was good to see the plane at last years TEMAC fun fly!


Awesome!  Congratulations, Martin!

I also noticed that Phil Soden won a couple of awards.  Very nice! 


And Keith Shaw for the Sparrow jet!

Congratulations to all.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


FWIW, I talked at length to Earl Haury who won in Non-Military Sport scale with the Curtiss JN4-D.
We got to talking becasue I know his son Lester from flying C/L combat.
The detail in his model was amazing. He made literally everything from scratch.  Started out as a Proctor kit.

One small example would be the nuts that hold the prop on.
They were castle nuts. He had to cut the .010" wide slots since they don't make castle nuts that small.
He also had cotter pins in each one, made from .008" wire. From more than a foot away they were invisible.

The rockers are exposed, and he made sure they were all in the correct position that they would be if the motor was stopped.

The plane was full of this kind of detail. Not a big or flashy model like some of those on display. 
Nice to see it got the recognition it deserved. And it was electric of course :)

Earl said he had wanted to put a model in the show for many years, and drove with Lester all the way from Texas to finally do it.

Also talked to Kieth Shaw about his covering material of choice.
His old favourite Monokote has an "improved" formula now that it is made in China. Pretty much everyone says it is crap now and Kieth agrees.
Ultrakote while nice to work with is very thick, and this makes it hard to have hidden seams.

He uses something I had never heard of - Toughlon from Airborne models.
It was sold by Sig at one time as Aerokote.

Pat MacKenzie


Congratulations to Martin. A great guy and outstanding modeler!