UNMANNED AIR VEHICLES Regulations for 2016

Started by vicwhit, May 30, 2015, 02:04:31 PM

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I came across this notice today and thought there may be a lot of interest in it, especially among the multi-rotor people.

When I first posted this notice, I had not read the notice in its entirety but there seemed also be some implications for rc aircraft models.

I then spent the next hour or so going through it. It is only 33 pages and I'm a slow reader.

Wow! This sure makes something that on the surface is somewhat simple and turns it into something else that is complex, onerous, and overly regulated. Yes, I do understand the need to protect people and have a safe environment for all but surely the goal could also be met but boiling this issue down into something not only workable, but sustainable, and easily regulated.

Is this a case of "Hi. I'm from the government and I am here to help you"?  ;)

Please give it a read through and discuss with your friends and executives.  MAAC is the recognized representative organization for us and our strongest voice. We has until August 28th to make comment to Transport Canada.

Here is the summary section:
The rising sales and evolving technology of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) make them a rapidly growing part of the aviation industry.

However, as their popularity increases, so does interference with
manned aircraft. This presents unique challenges in developing regulations to safely integrate UAVs into Canada's airspace.

Transport Canada has a permissive regulatory framework that accommodates UAV operations by issuing Special Flight Operation Certificates (SFOCs). In 2010, Transport Canada established a joint industry and federal government working group to develop recommendations for regulatory changes, many of which are among the proposed changes of this document. The working group continues to develop regulatory recommendations for beyond visual line-of-sight operations.
Transport Canada seeks a balanced approach to both safely integrate UAVs into Canadian airspace and encourage innovation within this important new subsector of civil aviation. At the same time, it is important to recognize the unique risks UAVs and UAV users of varying degrees of aviation expertise, pose to other airspace users. Transport Canada must develop Canada's future regulatory framework to be risk-based, flexible, and consistent with international partners, where appropriate.
In 2016, Transport Canada intends to introduce regulatory requirements for UAVs 25kgs or less that are operated within visual line-of-sight. The proposed regulatory amendments are intended to ensure the safe and reliable operation of UAVs in Canadian airspace and will:
o establish classifications including a proposal for the possibility of having a very small (lower threshold) category of aircraft;
o clarify terminology;
o establish aircraft marking & registration requirements;
o address personnel licensing & training; and
o create flight rules

Transport Canada also intends to preserve the SFOC process to focus on higher risk operations, including UAVs larger than 25kgs and those operated beyond visual line-of-sight.
Do it while you can.