It's a wrap!

Started by thehaze, September 17, 2015, 08:00:13 AM

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Last night was a perfect night to end our 2015 Instruction season! The conditions were probably the best we've seen in a long time for flying, there were Hot Dogs, and we managed to hand out some wings!
To all those who came out last night and every other Wednesday night prior to this, thank you. Thank you for choosing to be members of this club and in helping to make TEMAC more than just a place where we fly planes. For the instructors, thank you for volunteering your time, and for never getting tired of flying the Apprentice in endless circles. A special shout out to Frank for carrying the CFI torch while I was having my Pan Am games adventure this summer (good news is that there aren't any major sporting events for me to work at next summer!). It was a great season and I'm glad I was able to be part of it.
Now for those of you asking me what happens next.... here's the scoop...
Students, if you don't have your wings, you cannot fly alone at TEMAC. If you are coming out to the field, use the forum and see if there will be an instructor at the field who is willing to fly with you. Remember, instructors are volunteers and don't always fly Apprentices. From time to time they like to take their own models to the field and fly. Please don't simply show up hoping to fly without making arrangements first.
If you have Solo privileges, once again remember that an instructor needs to be at the field when you fly.
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


I for one would like to re-iterate my thanks to all the instructors who guided me through the learning process from Newbie to Wings over the course of a very fine summer.
Thanks (in no particular order) go to:
Simon, Frank, Bruce, Mike, Michael, Greg and Imran for the flying, Jack for the rules and regs and fatherly overseeing of the whole process, Graham for the first day club welcome and and Apprentice familiarization process and not forgetting my mate Rob for the introduction to TEMAC and encouragement to join.

Not to be left un-said, thanks to all the club members who have welcomed me and made this a very special place to be.  2015, a summer to remember.  And thanks to Mum and Dad without whom.... :-)
Rog Mason
'Roger That...'


Same with me, I'd like to thank all the instructors that gave up their Wednesday nights to help us. 

Special thanks to Greg my 1st instructor, Michael who hammered in flying straight and level.  Thanks to Simon on suggesting me getting a T28 Trojan.  Bruce for all the encouragement.  Peter who witness my first crash, but nothing glue can't fix.  Frank for the helpful hints.  And thanks to Graham for always being so happy go lucky.

Looking forward to more instruction as the learning never stops.

Special thanks to Jack for just being there and reminding us to just have fun. 
