New Year's flying!

Started by Frank v B, December 15, 2015, 09:21:37 PM

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Hey!  We were told by Mr. President, that we could pay at the next meeting because the membership officer couldn't be bothered to show up to our AGM!


Besides.... I'm pretty sure I'm going to bail on New Years Day flying.  I WILL be hung over.  I'm going through a mid-life crisis after all.....


Andy .. I've got lots of time to re-new; heck there is over a week left in the year :)

Frank .. some how i think i'll be flying solo that day :)

"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


"And, of course, you've all renewed your MAAC memberships for 2016, haven't you?"

My MAAC is good through 2017 and I think Andy you have already cashed my cheque for TEMAC, or at least have it by now........


Andy Hoffer

Quote from: bweaver on December 23, 2015, 03:55:15 PM
"And, of course, you've all renewed your MAAC memberships for 2016, haven't you?"

My MAAC is good through 2017 and I think Andy you have already cashed my cheque for TEMAC, or at least have it by now........


I didn't want to make some of the others feel too unworthy by pointing out that YOU were well ahead of the game and some of them were not.  That just wouldn't be nice!!  But now that it's out, I can't help but applaud your exemplary behaviour and hope that THEY will be inspired by it and take the appropriate actions by New Year's Eve! (And poor Rob... he'll be absolutely distraught when he realizes that I don't do MAAC renewals?!!) :)



I didn't want to point out either...... :P


Oh, my MAAC membership is already renewed.  I don't mess with them!  They don't provide credit like TEMAC does   ;D



Frank v B

Yes!  Michael B. and Gregor are added to the existing list of idiots.  I have it on good authority another Board member may attend as well.  Probably to make sure we abide by the rules and don't do anything stupid. :D  We would never do that... so why do we have to fly with $4 million MAAC insurance? :D

"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer

Pre New Year's field report - Dec 30 - 1:30 - 4:00 p.m.:

driveway and parking lot - 0 to 2" slush and slop.
runway - clear and dry
grass field - clear and wet
pits - 0 to 2" of very wet snow and slush
inhabitants: 1 low-flying hawk looking for hors d'oeuvres; tracks from 1 bird dog on the parking lot and field (no sign of owner tracks); 1 Sasquatch (tracks only).
pilots: 1
planes:  4 (Pitts, Mini Funtana, Robbe Gemini, GP Super Sportster)
conditions:  ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC.  Very light (much less than forecast) winds from the south-west.  Zero degrees.  Some might say balmy!!  Overcast and brooding sky. 
overall mood:  euphoric!  NO repairs!!!  ;D


Frank v B

Now that you have heard the field report from SlushBalls Hoffer it is time to get your stuff together. 

I am planning to be at the Tim Horton's at Woodbine and Stouffville Road at about 9:15 to gather up the courage to face the slush, the wind and whatever else Andy is planning to send our way.  Will leave the coffee shop at about 9:45 to be at the field for 10 am.  Will bring a hand-launch plane (with poor man's retracts) in case Andy has laid out snow for us and a wheeled flying thing in case his report is accurate: "runway - clear and dry  "

Will see you on New Year's day so we can salute Simon H. who is in some other country that guarantees no snow (and therefore no Andy). :D

"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Frank v B on December 30, 2015, 09:34:05 PM
Now that you have heard the field report from SlushBalls Hoffer it is time to get your stuff together. 

I am planning to be at the Tim Horton's at Woodbine and Stouffville Road at about 9:15 to gather up the courage to face the slush, the wind and whatever else Andy is planning to send our way.  Will leave the coffee shop at about 9:45 to be at the field for 10 am.  Will bring a hand-launch plane (with poor man's retracts) in case Andy has laid out snow for us and a wheeled flying thing in case his report is accurate: "runway - clear and dry  "

Will see you on New Year's day so we can salute Simon H. who is in some other country that guarantees no snow (and therefore no Andy). :D


So if I understand this correctly, Frank is going to consume 30 minutes of coffee before he hits the cold at TEMAC field.  I can only presume he is planning a "pit stop" at the field  to adjust his weight and balance.  My apologies for not having checked the temperature and field conditions inside the Loo.  I will bring some de-icing fluid just in case!  ;D


Renewed my MAAC this morning and will bring my TEMAC 2016 renewal stuff tomorrow in hopes that the Sasquatch and Slushballs will be there.
I too am planning to fill my tanks at Timmies at 201501010915 and having a bladder with at least as many hours as Frank's will likely adjust weight and balance once at the field. Just hope Sasquatch isn't hibernating in the loo! :o

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Wingnutz on December 31, 2015, 09:54:25 AM
Renewed my MAAC this morning and will bring my TEMAC 2016 renewal stuff tomorrow in hopes that the Sasquatch and Slushballs will be there.
I too am planning to fill my tanks at Timmies at 201501010915 and having a bladder with at least as many hours as Frank's will likely adjust weight and balance once at the field. Just hope Sasquatch isn't hibernating in the loo! :o

Excellent!! And might that be 2016010915? And would that be E.S.T. (as in 011415Z)?  ;D

Frank v B

An hour ago (1 pm)  I was checking out at Loblaws (Bayview and Moore) and the lady said "it is snowing!".  It was the drifty kind or..... as we call it at Temac.....  "Hoffer's Dandruff".  Andy is messing with me again.

2015 is almost gone but it probably looks at itself and goes... "only 10 hours and 17 minutes left to screw up Frank's life"

To all those heading to the field tomorrow ... a safe drive.  For all those TEMAC members who have brains and are staying home... Happy New Year!!!

"Never trade luck for skill"