Shipping Tx back to Horizon

Started by sihinch, August 02, 2016, 05:46:48 PM

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OK, so I feel kinda dumb but I'm paralyzed by uncertainty....

I need to ship my Tx back to Horizon. I have the original box and foam inserts, but what has everyone else used to post a Tx? Do you add another cardboard shipper outside the Tx box? Or just use a mailing bag (albeit a very big one)? Or just wrap it in paper?



Hi Simon,
I just sent mine in a smaller box than original, with bubble wrap and a few foam blocks to keep the switches protected. They sent it back to me in a Fedex box with bubble wrap. Don't forget to drain the lipo to storage before shipping, I forgot to do that, they drained it before shipping it back.

I also go a note that they didn't see anything wrong (even though I lost connection on 4 aircraft's regularly), but they said we still replaced the antenna and RF board as  "customer courtesy"... they just didn't want to admit they had problems. I also didn't get charged for get it shipped back which was awesome!

Also, don't forget to do the online request for service and include it in the box.