CUB FUN-DAY July 2nd 2017

Started by bweaver, June 13, 2017, 12:38:35 PM

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Hey Bruce What a Cub Funular Day...  ???
The field was packed with people... some flying some watching some eating and
most importantly the peanut gallery...  :D
Richard got his wings and did a great job of flying congratulations
I really enjoyed seeing them Cubs and the almost cubs flying
I just want to thank all you guy for flying your planes I really enjoyed seeing them flying.
I found out that today was a Tilley hat test day.....
My head stayed cool from the sun  :P
and dry from a sun shelter water fall/shower... wow was that refreshing...  :o
Thank you Bruce for "Cub Day" it was Great Fun...

My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!

Andy Hoffer

A truly great day, Bruce!

And despite Frank's best efforts, Rob still took first prize!!    :D

For more Cub Fun pix, check out the gallery (




Yes, what a brilliant day!

Thanks so much to Bruce for leading us, the Board for making the BBQ happen and special thanks to Graham for feeding us all.

Congratulations to Richard on earning his MAAC wings (in the Cub competition!)

Great Canada Day weekend!



Thanks so much Bruce!! and everyone that came out.... just a few shots of the fun today

Look forward to seeing you all at the event
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"

Frank v B

Great to read that Rob was the winner of the $7,000,000.  Just try to collect.  Careful, don't knock on Bruce's door to collect.  Cha-Cha, his 6 pound killer dog will make quick work of the collection issue.  Problem solved. :D

You beat up on my poor little Cub.  I just weighed it.... 11.9 oz. or about 1/4 the weight of yours!  Pick on someone your own size.  I heard more than once today that size does matter. :)
Too bad Richard could not fly his E-Flite cub, the same as mine.  I cheated because I did not follow the instructions.  The motor on mine is a 3 cell 300, not the recommended 2 cell 250. As well, the battery was a 700 mah.   All to get the weight farther forward.  There is nothing more difficult than flying a tail-heavy Cub.  It wallows and then does a death roll if it even smells a tail-heavy condition.

"Never trade luck for skill"


Bruce - Thank you for organizing the event.   :) 

Congratulation Richard!! :D

And to Graham - thank you for doing all the cooking!!

Andy Hoffer

Proof that Frank and Andy share common DNA.  :D

Tough luck, Frank!!  (Great photo, Greg!!)



Great photos...  Great video.  Great time... 

My apologies, to BJ.  Somehow, in my earlier post, I missed BJ in the list of honorable mentions in yesterday's event ... sorry.

PS - Life moves on.  It looks like another flying day today.