Flying Thanksgivibg Day Monday ....

Started by Michael, October 06, 2017, 07:33:01 AM

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At this point the weather forecast for Thanksgiving Day Monday is really nice: 23 degrees and light 8 km winds (Sunday is calling for 27 km winds).

This might be our last great summery flying day of the year.

I'll monitor the weather forecast, and I'll plan to fly for several hours at least.

Anyone else?


I plan on flying Monday as well, and maybe Saturday if it looks decent.
What could possibly go wrong?



I'm in too!

I know you don't like the suns' celestial position in the morning, so what time are you planning on getting out? 

Frank v B

Oh, no!  I was going to attempt to show up until I read the last post that Bruce is coming.  He will probably poll the Morning Crew to see if I am allowed to fly before noon.  ;)  It's a turf* issue. ;D


* turf me out! :D
"Never trade luck for skill"


The forecast is not quite so good (as of now) but it's still much better than the rest of the weekend.

I'll be there 11 - 11:30, until maybe 3 or 4.

I need the fun!



I heard the Canadian vampire took off already. Let's make this Thanksgiving Monday a vampire day?  ;D ;D ;D


I don't have a vampire, but I do have a warwing looking for bloooooood. 

I'll bring the streamers and a crying towel.  :P


I'm bringing my Vampire, and I'm bringing my warwing!  ;D


I think today (Sunday) might be the flying day this weekend. Tropical cyclone watch for Monday and 90% chance of rain.

I'm going to negotiate a day swap!


Well, Sunday did indeed turn out to be excellent flying weather.

Simon, Glenn, Phil, Loy, Jeff, Carlos and a few others did come out to enjoy an amazing day.

At this point, it may rain tonight and/or tomorrow morning, but the afternoon forecast is dry with medium north westerly winds (12 km to 20 km gusts) which is not so bad, and good for jets anyway.

If the weather is half-decent tomorrow afternoon, I'll be flying at TEMAC!



So ............

The rain has stopped and it's not too windy, but it's still very cloudy and overall very wet.

I'll wait another hour before deciding to go.


Andy Hoffer

Charging my batteries and loading my planes.

Hope to see you there!




Another great day, and a milestone! ....

... Phil, Oscar, Loy and I flew ducted-fan Vampires, at the same time, all taking off at about the same time, all landing at about the same time, with no crashes!
