Chica build

Started by octagon, November 25, 2017, 06:48:33 PM

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I started the Chica build this afternoon. I cut and sanded the ribs with the very useful templates that Frank VB made, so if anyone is going to build this plane let me know and I will get it to you. I also got an extra set of plans copied so again, if anyone is going to build this I have plans you can use. I have installed the main spars on the ribs and tomorrow will do the shear webs (I don't quite know why, but I hate installing shear webs, so tedious I guess). I am hoping to get the fuse mostly finished tomorrow too, it is quite strait forward. Frank and I are having a race to see who can finish first. 
What could possibly go wrong?

Frank v B

Rob, you keener!!  I will be starting mine today.

Cutting out the fuselage sides:  re: Your phone call on how to transfer the fuselage side to balsa.  I place the plans on top of the sheet of balsa and align it with any straight side (usually the top) then take a pin and prick a hole through the plans into the balsa.  In case of curves (cheek, wing saddle), put the pin holes close together (1/4").  Then take the plans off and join the dots in the balsa with a fine tip magic marker. 

The real trick is that once you have made one side, copy the second side with a fine tip magic marker.  Once both are cut out, stack them on top of each other and sand them.  As long as both sides are the same the details don't matter.

Remember, as long as you make all mistakes symmetrically, the plane will fly fine.

"Never trade luck for skill"


The Chica is coming along well, although I am unhappy with the wing and think instead of trying to fix it I will just build a new one and use my experience building the first one as a guide. The issue is that the ribs did not all align properly so the trailing edge is a bit wavy. The fuse sides and the bulkheads came out very well I think and I hope to get it glued up tomorrow.

Sorry for the sideways pictures. Damn Iphone!!
What could possibly go wrong?


So I was unhappy with the first wing I built so I made a second one and the first one will make good kindling. The build is coming along well, and I am enjoying building my first scratch build in many years. As there are no instructions it is kind of fun to have to figure out how and when to build the different components. The wing is done (almost) and so now I turn to the fuse. The plans call for a hatch in the bottom, but I think I may put one in the top between the canopy and the motor so that I can get at the motor if it need to be changed or have thrust added.
What could possibly go wrong?


any photos of the finished Chica?

Andy Hoffer

Hey Rob,

I like your crystal.  Is that Kosta Boda from Sweden, circa 1977 perhaps?!! 8)



You amaze me Andy, how could you have picked that out so astutely? It is the perfect vessel for Jamesons, a comfort when cloistered in the basement workroom.
What could possibly go wrong?

Frank v B

Al Bigstick, 

a photo of the Chica

a link to the photos of the actual plane:

"Never trade luck for skill"


Got a  bit of time to work on the Chica today. Most of the building is done. Next is to build a hatch forward of the cockpit, install the engine and electronics (servos are in) and then sand and cover. I think I will make the bottom under the wings removable so I can get to the rudder and elevator servos that are mounted upside down under the wing.
What could possibly go wrong?


There is nothing as satisfying to me as when I finally glue all the components together and the epoxy has set, that everything is straight and level and lines up, they way that guys who really can build, build all their planes.As far as I can measure that is the case with this little guy.  The motor is installed and seems (I think) to have some down and right offset. I am up in the air about the prop until I can get a wattmeter on the thing, which might happen tomorrow. Pinnacle had the perfect canopy for it. I was going to use a folding prop, but the instructions included with the prop say not to use it if the motor is going to turn over more than 16,000 RPM, and by my figuring it will be turning at about 22,000 RPM, so I guess I will go with a fixed prop. Maybe put a plywood skid on it on the bottom of the fuse. I fiberglassed the nose to hopefully prevent it from breaking off in Dickinson style landings. This has been a fun and straightforward build, and if anyone is sitting on the fence about building it, let me say go for it, you will enjoy it.
What could possibly go wrong?


Very nice, Rib!  Can't wait to see it all dressed up!

Frank v B

I will be starting my Chica next week.  Now that I have mastered the inclusion of photos in a Forum post, I hope to be including photos as well.  My objective is to have the bones done for the January build class, if not two weeks earlier for the first Pilots' meeting.

Rob will take his to completion before the build class.  We are hoping more people will build one once they see Rob's ready to go.


"Never trade luck for skill"


So you know how sometimes you have those days? I started covering the Chica last night. The wings and tail were already glued in place and as I said in a previous post, I was very happy with how true and lined up they were. I filled the gap that existed between the wing and the fuse with microbaloons and epoxy. It worked  beautifully giving me a nice gusset. What I did not count on is how hard it is to cover a shoulder wing aircraft with the wing glued in place. Trying to cut the Ultracote to fit the side in one big piece is something beyond my capability and patience. The alternative is kind of a patchwork, 2 seperate pieces one over the wing and another under, one from the nose to the leading edge and one from the trailing edge to the tail. The red on fuse took me about 90 minutes, and I am still not that happy with the job, but I am going to apply Franks 50/50 rule. At 50 feet up at 50 miles an hour no one will notice. Anyway, as you can imagine I had the iron up and down a lot, and one time I put it down not noticing it was touching some dried glue or plastic or something and when I ironed the wing whatever it was turned into smuch on the face of the iron and spread a big black mark on the pretty white wings. I used some lacquer thinner and it took it right off, and I just dropped the towel on the bench when I was finished. I thought I would take pictures of the progress and post them so I put the hatch on and went looking for the canopy and pilot, which I was sure I left on the bench. I picked up the towel and there it was, stuck. The lacquer thinner had melted the plastic and clouded it. I guess I will be at Pinnacle for a new one. I am going to use a 6/4 prop. Using a Mega 16/15/4 motor on 3 s I get 23 amps and about 240 whats, which should make it lively, but not stupid fast.
What could possibly go wrong?


So after todays frosty New Years Day fly, I came home and was able to spend the 3 hours I needed to finish the Chica. Nobody is allowed to get closer than 5 feet from the plane, because, though it is build well and is strait, I did make a major error, and that was gluing all the flying surfaces in before covering. The wings are fine, but fuse was done in kind of a patchwork pattern, and is very probably the worst job of covering I have ever done. I only have to put the elevator and rudder control horns on, and it will be ready to fly. So if Frank is correct about his 50/50 rule (50 feet up at 50 miles an hour nobody will notice) it should be a sweet little plane. I have a copy of the plans and also the template that Frank made if anybody else wants to build one of these.
What could possibly go wrong?

Frank v B


Mission accomplished Rob.  Nice going.  You promised to have it finished before the next Build class and you kept that promise.  Mine was to get mine to the covering stage before the Build class.  Working on it Chief.  I cannot fail you now!   :P

Thanks for the inspiration.

"Never trade luck for skill"