TEMAC New Year's Day Fun Fly at TEMAC Field

Started by Andy Hoffer, December 14, 2017, 11:43:07 PM

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Frank v B

New fashion statement. 

I went to the Salvation Army store yesterday and invested a whole dollar (.99 rounded up!) in a new fashion statement.  Tacky pyjama shorts for the New Year's Day funfly..... to help remind me that I probably should have stayed in bed! 8)

"Never trade luck for skill"


Are we meeting at Timmys first? If so what time?
What could possibly go wrong?

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: octagon on December 30, 2017, 02:43:57 PM
Are we meeting at Timmys first? If so what time?

Frank will be at Timmy's early (8:30 a.m.) to model his new bathing suit (pyjama shorts) for the customers, and perhaps drum up new members for TEMAC!!  I'm expecting a stampede !  8)



Frank v B

Andy and fellow TEMAC New Yearites,

I will be bringing 20 sheets of printer paper.  If it really is going to be -21 we may as well stay at Tim's, fold paper airplanes and wing them around the coffee shop and claim we flew a model airplane at the New Year's funfly. ;D

Come to think of it, change the name from "FunFly" to "FoolFly" 8)


"Never trade luck for skill"

the giant

I wish i could get out to temac tomorrow.  It is going to be -24 at 9 am before the wind chill in North Bay.

Frank v B


I guess everything is relative.  We are out of excuses. ;D

"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer

All you have to do is short out a Lipo in your pants and you will have all the heat you need!😎. Andy

Frank v B

"Never trade luck for skill"


Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Gregor77 on January 01, 2018, 11:29:56 AM
And.... it was cold.

I guess it depends whom you ask.  There was ZERO wind chill and it was positively balmy in the morning sun!!!  8)

And we looked so cool in our bathing suits (some tighter fitting than others)!!

Photos to follow soon!


Frank v B

Dear Dr. John,

re: my earlier call for help post:

"Free group psychiatric assessment at 9:05 am. Dr. John has already arranged this. ;D
They're coming to take us away ha ha....please. :D


We definitely need your help.  Twelve people showed up at the TEMAC field this morning.  Don't know whether to refer to them as "The Twelve Apostles of Flight" or "The Dirty Dozen". 

Please make room at the psychiatric hospital for all of them.  Please send a heated paddy wagon, heavily padded to stop the head banging that is setting in.  No need to do a CAT scan when they arrive for a base test.  Just send through a basketball.  You will get the same reading on grey matter.  The only difference would be the temperature.

Also they appear to be suffering from Alzheimer as witnessed by their retro bathing suits clearly worn in reverse order of dress.

Almost forgot, two members looked liked they killed some animals to trim their coats and hats.  They may need a necropsy.

Frank  ;D ;)
(padded cell 1203)

"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer

The Horton's Hangar Crew!


Andy Hoffer

Variations on the Winter Wonderland theme, a.k.a. The TEMAC Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue! 

Notice Frank's plane keeping warm in the insulation of Bruce's War Wings flyer!! 8)

And of course our skilled CFI, demonstrating, with one-eyed flying, that you really don't need depth perception after all!!

And his piece de resistance, flying blind (mental FPV)!  At TEMAC, we only choose the best!!

And finally, for Cynthia, proof positive that Frank really is cute!  (Don't all respond at once or you'll overload the TEMAC server!) ;D


Andy Hoffer

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!

In all our glory!!! 8)


(More rapturous images to come from Greg H and Glenn!)



a few shots from this morning...a bit chilly but a ton of fun :)

"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"