Wednesday night flight instruction ends September 18th

Started by bweaver, September 04, 2019, 01:27:24 PM

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Wednesday September 18th is the official end to our 2019 Wednesday evening flight training program.   :'(

While some may believe I have had something to do with the good weather we have enjoyed on most Wednesday evenings, take it from me, I didn't, nor do I have any control over our daylight hours which contribute to the cause of our end of season.

I'm sure many of our instructors will continue to help our remaining students by appointment during the coming weekends and at other times when convenient for both the instructor and student. 

The last two years have been most rewarding for myself as TEMAC's CFI.  I will be stepping aside at the end of this season and I look forward to assisting the new CFI (who ever that may be) by being a flight instructor as my time permits in the future. 

I know for a fact there are many qualified individuals in TEMAC who would be fully capable of taking on the task. Some one please step forward.  IT IS NOT DIFFICULT BECAUSE, the club's participating flight instructors and ground crew are the best dedicated individuals I have had the pleasure to work with in this regard. Like myself, I am sure each of them will make an effort to commit to assist in our coming flight training seasons.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to TEMAC's executive for your support throughout the 2 years.

Also many thanks to each of the flight and ground crew members who have assisted in the tasks and challenges at hand.  Without your help, our program would not be the success it is.

And also, all best wishes to the student's we have had the pleasure of helping introduce to this most rewarding hobby of RC flying.

Thanks, Bruce  ;D


Bruce - thank you. You've been absolutely awesome. Your dedication, enthusiasm and love of the hobby have rewarded us with 2 amazing years.

Thank you.


A Thank You doesn't cover the guidance, instruction, patience, and great humour you've shown in helping me get into the air... and back down again.  All I can do is start with a thank you and hopefully show you over the coming years by getting better that it was time well spent.  Next year... float flying... and maybe a bit of 4S... and with your help and advice my repairs will look good... and my planes will keep on flying.  This summer has been a hoot.  Thanks Bruce.


Hi Bruce,        We are sad to see that you are giving up the post of CFI. You have always made us feel so welcome as members of TEMAC, and your dedication, guidance and understanding is above par. Thank you. Sincerely.          William and Joseph.


Bruce, I am sorry to hear that you will be stepping down as CFI but I am excited that you will continue as part of the instruction team. Thank you for welcoming me to the club and taking this not so young apprentice under your wing. With perseverance I hope to make you proud. Your guidance and support is very appreciated.



Hey Bruce
It's been a pleasure to help you out with flight instructions
You added a most wonderful attitude to this awesome hobby
You have directed your crew to bring out the best in our students
With much patience and making it so much fun
Thanks Bruce
My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!


Thank you Bruce for your teachings, approach and for making Wednesdays training sessions a time full of joy.


Hey Guys, this might sound corny, but...

Thanks for your comments. If you were having fun, I was having fun.

This hobby and this club has become a wonderful part of my life and is of the utmost importance to me. I know others feel the same.

As I have said before,  I sincerely wish to thank everyone involved in the club, especially to the club's founders and to those who through the years have put so much into it.

Organizations like TEMAC can't stand still. We can't expect someone else to do it, or we can end up losing it.  Organizations need to evolve.  The organization becomes stronger and better when its members share what they can to help it meet its objectives and to overcome the present and future challenges that lay before it.

Having taken on the role of TEMAC's CFI, it has offered me tremendous enjoyment, comradery and the opportunity of having and sharing great times with my friends. 

I am hoping that as I step aside, another member can have a similar rewarding experience.

Tomorrow is another day.  Let's all make the best of it.

Frank v B


You have been great to work for and with.   :'(
Thanks for your dedication and the huge element of fun you added to the job. 
Huge sandals to fill. ;D 
Stay close.... please.

"Never trade luck for skill"