Welcome to the club Jan

Started by bweaver, September 11, 2019, 11:20:49 PM

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Welcome to the club Jan.  It was nice that we had a chance to meet and fly your new plane a few times the other day.  It's a nice aircraft and should suit your training needs very well.

This evening you also had a chance to fly again and meet many of our members and the TEMAC flight and ground crew. Yes this confirms it - we are crazy.

All the best in the future with taking on this exciting new hobby and becoming a member of TEMAC.  I am sure we won't disappoint you except for the fact that our Wednesday evening sessions come to end next week.

Keep an eye on the Forum for posts made by instructors notifying students when they will be available to provide assistance in instruction.  Also consider making a post describing when you can make it out to the field and hope an instructor can assist you.  Hopefully one of our instructors will be available to assist you at a mutually agreeable time.

ENNNNNJOOOOYYYYY!  Have fun, be safe and be courteous!



Welcome Jan!!! There's no going back now!  ;D


Hi Jan,       Welcome to the party. Sorry that Joseph and i did not have enough time to socialize and get to meet you while we were there, as our time schedule was a bit limited. Enjoy  :D           Joseph and William.



Forgot to add the photo of Jan. 

What a handsome fella.  He has now joined all the other handsome fellas.

(Turn your monitor on its side to view the picture in its correct orientation.)

Frank v B

Welcome Jan.  Happy to have two flights with you and your new airplane yesterday.
Here are two photos of Jan for normal people.  Bruce takes the photos sideways because he is sleeping most of the time.  ;)

"Never trade luck for skill"


Quote from: Frank v B on September 12, 2019, 05:32:52 PM
Welcome Jan.  Happy to have two flights with you and your new airplane yesterday.
Here is a photo of Jan for normal people.  Bruce takes the photos sideways because he is sleeping most of the time.  ;)


Everyone knows that a nap is good for you.  @Frank v B I hope your neck wasn't too sore when you woke up from yours yesterday.  :-X


Welcome to the club Jan. You will have a lot of fun. The members are a wonderful group the have passion for the hobby. A lot of learning to be had from a wealth of skill, knowledge and experience. Enjoy!


Thank you for your warm welcome  :)


Welcome Jan... you'll never waste time with a better bunch  :D