Unexpected and Disturbing Behavior - Temac Members

Started by Autodrome, December 23, 2019, 06:43:23 PM

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I hope everyone is well and gearing up for a terrific holiday season.

It's been many years since I've posted here, but I now have the unfortunate task of relaying a troubling incident that occurred this afternoon at the field.

I arrived at the field at roughly 2:30pm with no planes to fly or much hope of getting airborne as I had only a quadcopter with a single partially charged battery with me. I decided to put the battery on charge and take in some of the great weather and the planes that were seeing action.

After some time and friendly banter with those in attendance I checked on my battery, the state of charge was sufficient for a flight.

I then proceeded to get up in the sky and take advantage of this rare December day. After a few minutes i was asked how far away I was, unsure as to my distance I could not give an exact figure, I was then asked again (this individual stated that he saw me take off). I searched on my screen display and provided a figure. It was then clear to me that this question was not intended as merely a curiosity between RC enthusiasts, but information to be used against me. I later discovered the figure I gave was the total distance traveled during my flight, not my distance from the home point.

I was then admonished on the dangers of flying "far", specifically that I could land on a car, all this while still in flight and piloting a craft. I found that quite odd since I was actually in the middle of the field and no where near any cars or roads. I have actually seen planes crash into cars in our parking lot first hand and they were all being flown very close in.

At this point I didn't want to engage further, I was in the middle of a flight and didn't think that was the time to discuss the issue. Trying to disengage i simply said "I'll go back to what I was doing, and you can go back to what you were doing" It seems the only rules certain members care about are the ones I purportedly break.

Unfortunately at this point I had lost orientation, and was running dangerously low on battery. I had to 'ditch' and go and retrieve my craft with was located at the Southwest end of the field in some bushes.

After nearly an hourly of searching I located the craft and started back. Upon my return I noticed one person immediately got in their car and drove away without a word, then the other quickly followed.

There was no mention of "hey you found it" or "is it alright, any damage?" The two members that had the issue simply drove off without a word. I then noticed my coffee cup had been placed on the hood of my car.

I could scarcely believe a TEMAC member could be capable of doing something so juvenile. I always take any cups or garbage with me, in what world is it ok to touch another members property without their permission? It certainly explains the hasty retreat, I just never would have expected it.

I'm not going to reveal the members identities for the time being, they know who they are and I suggest they quickly re-evaluate their behavior and actions, no one is entitled to act this way, we are all equal. We go to TEMAC to have fun, to have social interaction with friends and de-stress from the rigors of life, not to cause stress on each other and create a toxic environment.

I truly hope this is an isolated incident and does not happen again.

Happy flying to all and Happy Holidays.


I ask all TEMAC members to refrain from responding in this thread at this time.