Re: Flying Sunday March 1st and Thursday March 5th

Started by bweaver, February 27, 2020, 05:47:13 PM

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Hey! Anyone want to do a bit of flying on Sunday.  So far they are forecasting a perfect day. 

Polish those skis or get them floats a...  (Let's fill those flight stations and encourage spring to come along.)

I'll keep on updating the forecast as it gets closer.


Forgot the forecast for those in the morning crew.


This whole week has been high winds... so no flying.  Sunday is the first day since last Sunday that looks ok... and even so, the temp is crappy.  However, I'll be joining you.  Maybe not at the same field, but at least at the same time.  Is that a pic of flying today?

Frank v B


I sure like David's forecast a lot better.  Somehow I suspect your forecast will be closer to reality.

Can't go Sunday because of a family commitment...... so start doing the happy dance. ;D ;D

"Never trade luck for skill"


Quote from: davidk on February 27, 2020, 06:13:33 PM
This whole week has been high winds... so no flying.  Sunday is the first day since last Sunday that looks ok... and even so, the temp is crappy.  However, I'll be joining you.  Maybe not at the same field, but at least at the same time.  Is that a pic of flying today?

No one flying today.  Just thoughts of it.

Sunday is looking good for you too.  Take lots of pictures and so will we, I hope. 

Weather permitting.

:P :P :P :P :P


Sunday Morning is looking best at this time.


Weather and snow conditions are perfect for flying tomorrow morning.  I am going to be there at 10.

Hope to see you out there.


Looking good so far...


Conditions looking good for Florida.

Clear sky, warm temperature, light wind, and alligators.



It was a beautiful morning at TEMAC. No wind.  No need for a wind sock.  Lots of fresh snow. 

Jim Spence and Andy Hoffer joined me for some great flying.  We drove in.  All of us have AWD.  I wouldn't have tried it without it.

I thought I got a great tan while in Mexico.  You should see it now.

I took lots of photos using my flip phone.  (Forgot my camera.)  Can you believe it, the Hoff didn't bring his.

Once I figure how I can retrieve them from my phone using Blue tooth and my Mac, I will post them.

If you were thinking about coming out, you don't know what you missed.  It was perfect...

Andy Hoffer

It was an absolutely magnificent morning for winter flying - a balmy -4C, clear blue skies, and just the faintest breeze from the south.

We all left ski tracks to guide anyone else who comes out today.  The snow is light and fluffy - it just doesn't get any better for floats or skis.

Thanks for the inspiration Bruce!!


Frank v B


Thanks for looklng after Andy at the field today.  Mita* would be happy to pay for your babysitting service. ;D


* Andy's wife
"Never trade luck for skill"


Quote from: Frank v B on March 01, 2020, 02:45:34 PM

Thanks for looklng after Andy at the field today.  Mita* would be happy to pay for your babysitting service. ;D


* Andy's wife

@Frank v B Tell Mita that she couldn't pay me enough.  Further, once there is an exchange of funds for services, then a liability and responsibility comes along with it.  (I pity all of Andy's old babysitters.  I am sure they were never paid enough.  They may have never recovered as well.)

Andy and I did have fun though, didn't we Andy?

I was not able to transfer the photos from my flip phone by Bluetooth or any other means, except for the old 'take a picture of a picture technique'.
It usually works.  (I will never complain about the quality of others photos posted on the forum*)

I had a photo of Jim too, but he was too far away. 


*for today anyways.

Frank v B


Maybe you should get a new camera.  The one you use (below) may be out of date.

From a fellow flip phone and 72 meg radio guy. ;D ;D

"Never trade luck for skill"


Quote from: Frank v B on March 01, 2020, 06:01:35 PM

Maybe you should get a new camera.  The one you use (below) may be out of date.

From a fellow flip phone and 72 meg radio guy. ;D ;D


No, I don't need a new camera.  I just need to remember to bring it with me.

PS The only reason why I still have my 72 meg radio is because I have been to lazy to throw it out.  Maybe one day I'll get around to it.

As promised I will not criticize your photo today.  Please wait until tomorrow.