More sticks! Frank's Guillows Arrow RC.... Covid build

Started by Frank v B, March 23, 2020, 10:01:01 PM

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Frank thanks for your  reply - I'm in Australia( I joined up last night so that I could ask you my question). I've taken some photos of where the plan was confusing me (not great photos but they should be good enough for you to see why I was confused).

You're confirming what I was thinking that if the wing is flat on the board then each tip can be the length of the measuring device off the board - I make it 39 mm you sound as though you made them 50 mm so I would have to decide whether to get a blade and change my 39 mm to 50.

With the the height above the board for the 2 centre sections Guillows seem to be suggesting in drawing 2 and drawing 3 that you use the same measuring device/stick of balsa as the outer dihedral - this is when the confusion began unless I'm misinterpreting something.

If I've got this right now I can use the 39 mm where I've glued or based on your actual flying get a blade and change  it to 50 mm and make the 2 centre sections 15 mm off the board?

I should add that I'm planning to use a receiver and motor and 1s Eflite battery from a UMX Radian so trying for ultra lite.
Unfortunately says my photos of the plan are too big

Frank v B


Great to help out someone halfway around the world.

It will fly fine on 1S but may be more affected by the wind than my 2S set-up.

About the polyhedral, don't overthink it.  As long as there are 3 dihedral breaks (one at the center plus one at each tip) and they are equal on both sides it will fly fine.

The more polyhedral the sharper the turns for flying in a restricted area (indoors or small fields).

One thing I always tell builders is if you make one wing half to completion and make the same mistakes symmetrically (equal on both sides) it will fly fine.  Transmitters have trim tabs to take out building errors.  ;D

Peter, feel free to post photos of the maiden flight.  Would love to see them.

"Never trade luck for skill"


Frank thanks again for your help I might still be a while finishing it but I'll remember - just have to work out why the site doesn't like the size of my photos might have to do some compressing.


Hey Peter - when you add a photo, if using an iPhone, at the bottom left of the photo, before you add it, you can select the photo size. Our website limits the size of files attached.

I usually select the "large" size photo rather than "original."

Hope this helps.