Flying tomorrow- Sunday June 14, 2020 10am -1pm

Started by Frank v B, June 13, 2020, 05:24:27 PM

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Frank v B

Will be there tomorrow with a few objectives:
- re-maiden the Knox plane- added down thrust, adjusted the elevator trim and moved the CG forward.
- maiden my new (ex-Simon) P-51 1.2m E-flite
- maiden the Pipsqueek 23" span .049 pylon racer.  It has a helicopter 450 motor in it. It could be a very short flight!  Brown stripe time. ;) ;)
- fly the Hanger 9 P-51 (.46 size) because it is an awesome flyer.

Come join the fun.

"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

What a weirdly gorgeous day.  Mark and I solved all the world's problems first, then we went flying.

The weird thing- if you didn't like the wind speed or direction, you just had to wait about 15 seconds and pick your poison.  Anything from wind-free to gusty and blustery to from the north, the east and the south.  Then the next minute......   

The nicest part was that there was an opition to take off safely to the south and then land upwind to the north in the same flight.  Especially important for my two maidens.
The Knox special- had two flights.  Finally got it to fly hands-off on the second flight with a fair amount of "down" elevator (about 2 degrees) as neutral and a fair amount of "left" aileron trim.  It must be a wing incidence problem........  Am not going to fix it since it now is the devil I know.
the Simon E-Flite P-51.  As I said to Simon when he arrived after the flight  "The plane is so Frank (3 S) and not Simon (4S)". ;D ;D
I like scale controlled flight.  Simon likes at least an extra "S".
Pipsqueek 23" span pylon racer. More than enough power to take off but I ran out of "up" elevator.  It would not take off before it hit the cut edge of the grass.  Will try again next week.  Will change the motor because the shaft is not quite straight.
Graupner UHU.  Launched it when Greg Hazelton showed up with his new dog "Scout" .  We could not let him leave without a flight.
Horizon Hobbies P-51 (.46 size)- as sweet as ever.  It flies on 5 S and is amazing to fly.

Mark flew his Timber and SlowPoke.  Michael flew his Avro York.  I had to leave before Simon took to the air.


"Never trade luck for skill"


I stayed until 4 pm.

David was there, also Glenn, Rob and Loy. Allan flew quite a bit too. New members Bruno and his daughter Sophie (and her sister) came to the field and Bruno expertly flew his EDF Hawk.

Greg H was there in the morning; Greg C visited in the afternoon.

There were planes in the air all day, despite the weird crosswinds and gusts.

The highlight for me was a long glider flight, with Rob and Glenn. It was fun and relaxed.