ValuePlanes Seagull

Started by Michael, February 19, 2021, 08:50:59 AM

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I saw this advertised on Great Hobbies' website. It is a medium size (62" wingspan) flying-boat-style model airplane balsa kit. I found the Value Planes website, but could find no other information.

A further search yielded no links to any build threads, reviews nor photos of finished models.

Because it looks like something that I could fly from land, water or snow, and because I'm stuck at home so much (thanks, COVID), I bought it to entertain myself.



I cleaned a reasonable area on my building table and opened the kit.

My first impression was that this was a good value for the price. There is a lot of very well laser cut sheets of balsa and plywood. There is a small bag of hardware and a large sheet of a printed drawing showing a built-up structure.

There are no building instructions whatsoever. I have no idea where to start, but I'll figure it out. Also, there are no ailerons on this model. I'm pretty sure I can add ailerons without too much effort.


Frank v B

Those drawings look eerily like the ones put out by Maratuka and Pilot models 20 plus years ago.

Happy building.  Go make some dust. ;D

"Never trade luck for skill"


Thanks Frank.

The laser cutting is really nice, but due to the large number of parts, it took me more than 2 hours to cut everything loose from the balsa and plywood sheets. All parts are separated, or in plastic bags, by component (fuselage, wings, etc.).

I'm perplexed by the total lack of instructions, but I think I can do this. I once built a Sig 1/5 scale Cub, and the fuselage was completely assembled without glue, held together with elastics, and glued. I'll try that approach.



Good luck.  Looks a bit like that other plane you built and you love know the one!  The white one with the blue windows.  ;D


Nice looking model.

"No ailerons", but there are clearly servo mounting provisions out in the wing for them  ???

Is the trailing edge squared off, so that strip ailerons would be possible, or will you have to cut away some structure?
For sure it needs them, not enough dihedral for rudder control to be effective.

edit - DOH! - I should have looked more carefully  :(
What I thought were servo mounts are tip float mounts!


Actually Pat, you're right.

I guess I missed this because there are no instructions.

The wing halves are built in one piece each, (there are no separate parts for ailerons; there are parts to hold a servo) but the drawings clearly show an option for ailerons. I didn't notice before.

The ailerons will have to be cut out, both they and the wing sections will have to be re-enforced and strengthened.



Faked myself out ;D

Strange that there are no build threads (that I could find). The owner has an account on RCG, but very few posts.

Some of the models that Great Hobbies lists have instructions that you can download, others say instructions are included.
But the Seagull - nothing??

FWIW, I liked the look of the "Cloud Walker 65" - so I ordered one :)
It at least claims there are instructions included ;)


I couldn't find any build threads anywhere. When I finish this one, Ill post it on RCGroups.

The other kits are quite nice, and as easy as they seem to build, they do seem targeted towards experienced builders.


As I suspected, the fuselage can mostly be assembled without glue, and will be glued later. It does take some fiddling and minor adjustments, but it all fits nicely.

It would be very difficult to build if each piece was glued on as work progressed; I have to loosen previous joints to fit additional formers and other pieces as they are added to the assembly.



Fuselage inner structure is assembled and glued.

There is still balsa sheet surface to be applied, but I will leave this until the major components are built and I can figure out where the electronics and control parts need to be.

I'm taking my time building because I am giving a lot of thought into the assembly and gluing. Without instructions, I need to pre-plan the building in my head before committing to glue.



Fin and rudder assembled and glued. Without plans nor instructions, but with a diagram, I care fully put this together on a flat surface. Not hinged nor sanded yet.

A few wood strip parts were missing, but were easily cut from scrap.



Stabilizer and glued. Also, without plans nor instructions, but with a diagram, put together on a flat surface. Elevators not joined, hinged nor sanded yet.

Again, a few wood strip parts were missing, but were easily cut from scrap.



Tip floats assembled and glued. as per the diagram. This was put together like the fuselage; mostly assembled and then glued.



Motor pod assembled and glued.