Flying March 26, 2022

Started by Gregor77, March 26, 2022, 03:08:30 PM

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Nice morning. Warning a bit of swearing. 😩



Nice try..... Hope it flys better next time... :-)

Frank v B


Fun video.  Five minute epoxy and 15 minutes will get it back in the air.

Right when it lifted off, it appeared to wallow a bit (side slip from side to side).  On a 3 channel plane it usually suggests it needs more nose weight.
The problem with 3 channel is that a rudder input to make it track straight is usually not the deflection it needs to fly straight once it breaks ground.  That seems to start the wallow.

What appears to work on these planes is to go to full power quickly and get off the ground quickly so smaller rudder inputs are needed to both track straight and fly straight.  Finessing the throttle like we do with 4 channel (aileron) airplanes always seems to get a 3 channel plane into trouble.

.... from a guy (me) who has made the mistake more than once.  :D

"Never trade luck for skill"


Another cool video the production value!