Flight instruction Wed. July 6, 5-8 pm- Regardless of the weather

Started by Frank v B, July 05, 2022, 09:31:52 PM

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Frank v B

I will be there by 5 pm. 
Students have priority but any member can fly if there is an open flying stone.

Hope to see you there.

"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

What a beautiful night.  The parking lot was full.

Here is the photo report:

52- Greg, this is not a fishing club!
55- A man on the Board.
56- Paul G. getting ready to fly.
58- Peter prepping his RareBear.  It is wonderful and fast.
63- Peter looking for divine intervention.
67- Loi with his Vampire jet.
70- Oscar holding court.
72- Greg with my 5 minutes epoxy to glue back the nose on the Timber.
73- Oscar happy to be at the field.
74- BJ holding my P-51
76- BJ trying to steal my P-51
82- Paul S. and Carlos
84- Peter and his RareBear
88- Greg and Colin trying to figure out how much nose weight to put into the 3D printed Cub for the maiden flight.
94- This is how much weight was added.
96- the sign that should be on my car's door.
102- ...but it is on Greg truck.
49- How BJ charges himself up for another day of retirement.

"Never trade luck for skill"