Aiming to be at Rogo Sunday, July 31 10 am-1:30 pm. Pls drop by

Started by Frank v B, July 29, 2022, 09:50:49 PM

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Frank v B

Am aiming to be at Rogo Field this Sunday from about 10 am to 1:30 pm. Happy to help trim an airplane, maidening one or just simply helping you fly what you have not crashed yet. :)


"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

A beautiful day.  No crosswind, no snow.  Just plain sunshine.

Today we had more than the usual suspects:
- Andy back from his east coast trip.
- Graham back from his pilgrimage to Ottawa.
- Jan back from his 6 week trip to Europe.
- Major Don and his wife/handler Rosie.  Don back from a trip to the hospital.
- oh, and me.  I have missed the last 4 weekends

Photo report:
17- Mark and Cadez arguing a point.
19- Jan is back.
20- Andy holding a tiger by the tail.
21- Andy switching over to a glider.  More his style.
22- Cadez dropping by between work and family commitment.
23- Don Duthie back on his feet after months of medical care.
24- Rosie got Don to the field.
26- Graham trying his car remote to monitor Don's medical implant.
32- Andy helping me maiden my new Goblin- Note Andy's hand-launch technique.
34- after the maiden flight- it ate some of the weeds in the arrestor net at the end of the cut field.
35- Peter showed up with some heavy iron.
36- David gets progressively more sophisticated planes.  A long way from his first plane- a FliteTest Cub.


"Never trade luck for skill"