Free 3 channel airplanes -GONE

Started by bweaver, July 19, 2023, 05:50:28 PM

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Donald Duthie a long time TEMAC member came out to the flying field this morning. He was in good spirits and good shape.

He had three planes with him that he wished to give away to anyone who would like them.  These planes had been given to him... so he wishes to pass them on.

As a favour, he asked me if I would post them on the forum and arrange for their pick-up locally (Richmond Hill) or drop them off at the TEMAC field at a convenient time.  (Donald lives in Port Hope, so delivery or pick-up from there would not likely be convenient for TEMAC members.)

Each plane is 3 channels (elevator, rudder, throttle), are made of balsa and of older vintage. All would require some adjustments to make them flyable.

Starting with the best...

The red plane is electric, with a 54 inch wing span with a folding propeller.  The older flight nicads have been taken out of the fuselage and would have to be replaced with something more current and compatible with the older electric motor.  The elevator and rudder servos are present  and there is older 72 Mh receiver.

The blue has a 72 inch wing span and plane's motor looks like a cox 049.   The elevator and rudder servos are present and there is an older 72 Mh receiver.

The last plane's most redeeming feature is a 52 inch wing.  You might have a better fuselage than the one provided. There are no electronics or motor...

These are free.  If you wish to have them, please reply to this post or send me a PM.

Frank v B

I am glad Don appears in good spirits.  Was thinking of him earlier this week.
Bruce, thanks for taking care of his visit. 

"Never trade luck for skill"


Hey Bruce... you know me I can't pass up a vintage planes. So if no one else likes to help out I will....
My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!


The orange model is a Goldberg Mirage; excellent sport plane!



Hi BJ,

I believe you have my number or email.  You can contact me so that we can arrange a convenient time. 



Thanks BJ,

I hope you enjoy them...



Quote from: Michael on July 26, 2023, 05:29:11 PM
The orange model is a Goldberg Mirage; excellent sport plane!

I miss my mirage, it was awesome. I had that exact SonicTronic prop on mine too. It's at the bottom of Lake Ontario now :)