OV10 Bronco by Planeprint

Started by davidk, April 24, 2024, 03:02:40 PM

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Agreed... Planeprint has been the best, IMO, for getting the details right.  LW-PLA with Infill makes a part that is almost as strong as balsa.  Eclipson planes are really nice, but they're using a Sprial Vase mode which is just not as robust.  As for the finish, I was lucky enough to come across a BambuLabs article detailing every setting for getting LW-PLA to print well.  I could not get this nice a finish with Prusa Slicer.  Bambu Studio, Prusa Slicer, and Orca Slicer all have the same base.  Bambu Studio didn't support the Prusa MK4 but Orca Slicer does.  Orca Slicer is really close to Bambu Studio.  So I applied the Bambu settings to Orca Slicer and got excellent prints.

Here the parts are finally going together.  The motor fuselage is secured with a clamp over the 6mm tube.  Not only does Rene get the build details right, he pays so much attention to the plane details as well.


The final detail is the wing clip.  An end piece for the clip is glued into the 10mm tube.  The wing is installed and a clip is inserted from the top of the wing going around that end piece.
So the motor fuselage and inner wing are held in place with a bracket, and the end wing piece is held in place with a clip.  It all feels very sturdy.


Based on your recent projects I can see a Planeprint model in my future... as soon as I clear a few 3DLabprint projects in my pipeline, currently collecting dust in boxes of pre-printed parts. I hope I can circle back and get some advice from you about the tuned Orca Slicer settings you used on the Planeprint parts. I only have MK3S+ but it should be close enough to your MK4 when it comes to LW-PLA parts process settings.

Stepan Dokoupil from 3DLabPrint designed dozens of great looking scale models (war birds) over the years, but he doesn't do any follow up correction work, improvements, or updates. Once a model is released, he moves on to the next design and never re-visits an older design. Any issues or improvements to the released model are left to builder to deal with by improvising.

Planeprint seems to be actively working on corrections and improvements with new part versions for older/released models - which makes more business sense. Will certainly give them a try one day.


Looks fantastic David!
I'm looking forward to seeing it fly
You never fail until you stop trying


She's balanced and ready for a flight.
