Training tomorrow at Rogo Field starting 5 pm.

Started by Frank v B, May 28, 2024, 08:04:43 PM

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Frank v B

Training tomorrow (Wednesday, May 29). I will be there no matter the weather.

Here's hoping many members can come out and play.

"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

Started out as a warm, gusty sunny evening but very soon became a lot cooler.  Coat and sweater time.
Students David, Jeff, Maya, Victor, Tony and Omar dropped by.  Great to see instructors George and Oscar come out to help us.  As usual the ground crew of Mark and Paul prepared transmitters and bound planes.

Photo report:
14- Andy failed the course in wing alignment.  After the landing the Tiger Moth flipped backwards by a wind gust and pirouetted around a wingtip.  An elegant landing.  He wins the award of the best flying roll of masking tape.
15- David coming back from a flight.
20- Michael with his huge DH Beaver
23- Andy attempting to fly another plane.  A Duct Taped Spectra.
25- David before his first flight tonight.
27- Maya before her first of about 4 flights.
28- Victor deep in thought prepping his Apprentice.  Does Ben Feist know his hat is missing?
30- Oscar instructing Victor.
34- Tony with his Apprentice before his flight.

Thanks for all the help.


"Never trade luck for skill"


Another great night of learning. Will bring my hoodie next time; it does get a bit nippy on the field in the evening.

Had my first walk of shame/fame when my plane lost connection at the northeast corner of the field, like Omar's did last week. It was a long walk through the wheat(?) field, good exercise though, and the Apprentice knows how to take a punch. Aside from some dirt in the nose and the rubber bands cutting into the displaced wing, she was ready to go up again in minutes. Now I understand why the trainer has rubber bands; I would have had a broken wing for sure without them.

Thank you again to all my mentors: Oscar, Frank, Mark, and Paul. And my supportive fellow students Omar, Tony, and Maya.

Thanks to Frank for the great pictures. I'm not sure if I am in deep thought in the first one or just napping after the long walk ;D. By the way, I looked up Ben Feist. What an interesting career he had. Maybe the hat will do the same for me and NASA will hire me as soon as I get my solo privileges.



Definition. Stall speed is defined as the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable. Wing area for a given weight is a significant factor affecting stall speed; the less wing area, the higher the necessary stall speed to sustain level flight


I have heard more than a few pilots (mostly newer pilots, myself included) lamenting about losing control of their model airplanes in the north end of our field, essentially assuming it was a radio problem or radio interference problem that caused a crash.

In my opinion, in every case where conclusive evidence of a radio component failure is lacking, the problem lies with pilot error or inexperience, leading to a stall.

Follow this rationalization.

If a plane is in the northern (north east or north west) part of the field, and the pilot is flying the proper flying pattern, then it is likely that the plane is banking or turning.

If a given model airplane has a stall speed of 30 mph, and is flying straight at 31 mph, the plane will sustain altitude, and all deflecting surfaces (ailerons, elevator, rudder, etc.) will be effective. If the plane slows down to 29 mph, pilot control is ineffective and the plane will stall and fall.

If the plane is flying straight at 31 mph, and a rudder turn is initiated, then the deflection of the rudder acts as a brake on one side of the plane, slowing it down. If the airspeed falls below 30 mph, then the plane stalls and falls.

If the plane is flying straight at 31 mph, and an aileron turn is initiated, then the deflection of the ailerons act as a brake slowing it down. Also, when the plane is in a bank (partial roll), then there is less wing area in relation to the ground, so the stall speed must be higher to maintain altitude. If the airspeed falls below 30 mph, or if the speed remains the same but with lower wing area relative to the ground, then the plane stalls and falls.

If the plane is flying straight at 31 mph, into a 10 mph wind, then the airspeed is 41 mph. If the plane turns 90 degrees and is still flying in a 10 mph crosswind, then the airspeed is 31 mph. If the plane completes a 180 degree turn at 31 mph, flying with a 10 mph wind, then the airspeed is 21 mph. Then the plane stalls and falls.

When a stall occurs, aileron, elevator and rudder control are ineffective, and it feels as though the pilot has lost radio control with the model.


The best strategy for avoiding a stall in a turn, is to increase throttle (airspeed) going into a bank or turn. This will keep the plane above stall speed. Once the plane begins flying straight (turn is finished), lower throttle to maintain altitude.



Great explanation Michael.
Absolutely agree that increasing the airspeed is the best strategy as a the stall speed increases with the angle of bank as shown in the picture #8884.
The definition (see image #8883) was extracted from the "From The Ground Up" reference material used during pilot training. 
An airplane remains controllable in a stall condition, although engine/motor power would be the source to keep the plane airborne not lift from the wings.  Our models benefit from having excess power when compared to a full-size aircraft.


That makes a lot of sense. Thank you Michael for taking the time and explaining it so well.