Wed Aug 21 training starts at 5:00- regardless of the weather.

Started by Frank v B, August 18, 2024, 05:21:47 PM

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Frank v B

We will be there by 5 pm to start instruction.
Hope to see you there.

"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

Wow, that was a chilly one!

Omar received his solo privileges from his main instructor George.  We all agreed he is safe to fly on his own provided a pilot with wings stands beside him.  Well done Omar.  Thanks to instructor George for his patience.

Photo report:
97- Philip preps his hawk.  The Ospreys in the nest shrieked for his entire flight.
99- George retrieving his leaf blower after a flight.
01- finally a photo of Pool Paul smiling.
02- Paul Scuse paid us a visit.  Good to see him again after doing most of his flying up at his cottage.

"Never trade luck for skill"


Andy Hoffer

We should all put stall horns on our planes!!!  Then we can nail our landings on the numbers like @GuyOReilly !!  😎