99" span Windfree glider with E-Flite 480 and folding prop- $10.00

Started by Frank v B, Yesterday at 10:33:53 PM

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Frank v B

Looking for a good home.  A 99" span 4 channel power glider.  https://www.airplanesandrockets.com/airplanes/windfree.htm
See build post https://temac.ca/smf/index.php?topic=7863.0
Just add an RX and battery (3S 1800-2200).
- 99" span with E-Flite 480
- plug-in wings.  Including protective sleeves (silver bags).   photo 374
- folding prop Photo 370
- spoilers with servos installed
- rudder and elevator servos installed.  Note: this is a flying elevator (entire stab moves)
- removable canopy for battery access.  Photo 371
- removable hatch on the bottom to access the rudder and elevator servos.  Photo 379

Total price $10.00. If you are interested, please post on this thread.
Can bring it to the Friday March 28 lunch/flying session.


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