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General Discussion / Snow Clearing
Last post by davidk - Today at 01:18:09 PM
I'm calling on all members with shovels to come help dig out our field.  We need to shovel the driveway and the full parking lot.
If anyone has a snow blower and a truck then you can haul your machine to the field.
If we can get 100+ people at work on shovels and machines then we can get the field clear in just a few weeks.

Or... we can let Charlie, our next door neighbour, use his tractor.  Yes... that might be more efficient.

Charlie will be plowing the driveway and parking lot some time this week.  There's little to no snow forecast for the week, so it's the right time to clear.  The temperatures and wind this week do not allow for much chance of flying so there's no urgency to get the field cleared.

I'll post an update when it's done.  If anyone is driving past and see that it's done let us know.

Now... I've got a 4 foot wall of snow and ice at the bottom of my driveway to tackle... thanks to the town of Stouffville... and a small shovel... so... see you in the spring.  Oddly enough, Stouffville has a program for seniors whereby they clear the windrow after the road plow.  Unfortunately, the guy who performs this service doesn't quite understand the process.  The windrow was 2 feet, and this guy plows the snow into a 4 foot window about 4 feet up my driveway.  But, the end of my driveway is certainly clear.  I'm shaking my head.
A very satisfying image.
Building / Construction / Re: Baby Draco
Last post by msatin - Today at 08:46:38 AM
Very cool!
Building / Construction / Re: Baby Draco
Last post by Michael - Today at 08:45:46 AM
Nice landing gear!
The landing gear.
This is a (n ab) used Apprentice main gear.  Cut out 3 pieces of good ply (not lite ply) and am sandwiching the wire between 3 layers.  It then slips into the slot just ahead of the leading edge of the wing. The glue is drying now on the first sandwich layer.

Building / Construction / Baby Draco
Last post by davidk - Today at 01:03:39 AM
The Draco is, without question, an ugly airplane.  However, shrink it down and it almost becomes cute.  A retried locksmith in Australia designed a Baby Draco.  840mm Wingspan, Length 550mm, 2S or 3S.

There are 3 sections to the fuselage and these are held together by a hook system.  The front section has 2 hooks and the landing gear bolts onto the fuselage overlapping the front and middle sections.  The tail section hooks onto the middle with 4 very tight hooks.  It's interesting.  He did this so that if a section is damaged it can be easily separated and re-printed.

The landing gear is sprung with 1 1mm wire per side and is very effective.

Building / Construction / Re: Schooner Irene - Galatea
Last post by GuyOReilly - Yesterday at 09:21:49 PM
Looking for a club member with a vinyl cutter for a few words to be cut in black.
Any assistance appreciated.
Building / Construction / Re: Value Planes Seagull with ...
Last post by Michael - Yesterday at 08:57:13 PM
Covering completed!

Building / Construction / Re: Value Planes Seagull with ...
Last post by Michael - Yesterday at 08:56:41 PM
The Dancing Wings covering works well. It sticks easily, warps around reasonable compound curves well, and shrinks with heat.

The only problem comes from the fact that the glue side of the film is white, instead of the more commonly seen clear. When the film is tacked down, and then shrunk tight with heat, the white glue shows.

Building / Construction / Re: Value Planes Seagull with ...
Last post by Michael - February 14, 2025, 04:45:25 PM
Covering has started.

At the suggestion of a friend who works at Great Hobbies, I'm using covering by Dancing Wings, for the first time.

So far, I find it adheres and shrinks extremely well (at about 140 degrees Celsius), but it sticks to itself very easily, and it cannot be pulled apart. I'll have to be careful.

The film itself is very thin, but seems very strong.