TEMAC Online Members Meeting

Started by Michael, October 01, 2007, 11:35:37 AM

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TEMAC Online Members Meeting

Our 2007 Spring to Fall season has been fantastic. Our club has seen activity almost every single day!

The grass has been rolled (flattened) gently and cared for. Currently, the field is smoother than ever before. Many models are routinely taking-off and landing with small wheels.

Grass cutting is officially over for the season, but the club is open as long as you can safely get in and out of the field.

Instruction has been more informal, yet still successful, with Nestor, Glenn and myself chipping in to help new members.

Good News! We have the lease for the field confirmed for the 2008 season. Only short crops will be grown in the surrounding fields.

Here are the questions that need to be answered:

1.   Do we want a larger field area? Several members have requested an additional 100 feet of landing area on the southern portion of the field. The person who leases us the land is willing to consider this. This will likely cost close to an additional $1,000 per year in lease and grass cutting costs, not counting initial smoothing and grass planting. (Currently, TEMAC cannot afford this without raising membership by $20 to $25 per member. In my opinion, I would not do this.)

2.   Does anyone want to formally hold a position on the executive, or do we leave it alone as is?
The executive is now as follows:
a.   Michael Rogozinsky – President
b.   Jack Humpreys – Vice President
c.   Robert Pike – Secretary
d.   John Kusterin – Treasurer
e.   André Wedseltoft – Executive member
Currently, I am doing all executive work, and Nestor Santos helped with the Annual Funfly.

3.   Do any executive members wish to resign?

4. Any other business or suggestions?

Input please.



As much as I'd like a larger field, I vote to not extend the field and the fees. It has taken years to get the current field to it's current semi-smooth state. Perhaps we'll get some beavers after the trees at the north-end instead.

Benjamin Feist - EMFSO Website Developer


I also vote to leave the field as is.
No problems in getting my 2 gliders down on the existing field.



I'm also voting to keep the field as is.



Although I'm not yet a flyer, but will be shortly, the cost benefit seems out of whack and I would vote no. But I'd rent a chain saw near Christmas and sell the north end trees to start a fund for the south end extension......
A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


As far as I'm concerned, go ahead and see what's available and how much it might cost. Maybe this year we can have some indoor TEMAC flying.

Of course, we might invite those other EMFSO guys, if they promise to be nice.

Suggestion - NO helicopter flying from non-members. Too many indoor funflies have been over-crowded and had limited flying time because of the helicopters.



If we get a suitable site why not have specific Fun Fly for Helis and another just for planes? Charge a small fee, half to cover the facility rental costs and half to start a slush fund for site improvements etc.
A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Because, TEMAC has very few helicopter pilots.

I don't mind letting our pilots fly helicopters, or even EMFSO members fly helicopters, but I have seen several indoor funflies in the GTA that were overwhelmed with non-member helicopter flying.

I want our members to get as much flying time as possible. That's more important to me than earning a bit of money.



Michael, thanks for renewing the lease.  I am really glad we will have another year of short crops!

I would be definitely in favour of some additional chainsaw and woodchipper action at the north end... that's the major improvement I'd suggest this year.  Otherwise the TEMAC field is a pleasure to fly at.

Gordon Braun-Woodbury
"How on earth do I land this thing?"


Bruce, if you can find a good size gym willing to rent for a single event at a time, in a central or north GTA area, I'm willing to discuss it with the EMFSO executive.
