The Google definition of a great Fun Fly!

Started by Papa, January 13, 2010, 09:28:00 AM

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Google Earth has updated it's satellite image of the TEMAC flying field.
43*57'12.05" N  79*19'15.23" W. The satellite passed over around Noon on Sunday at the Fun Fly last year. I'm away getting Pizza so there is a space where I parked and Michael's Toyota is in the picture.
The field looks great.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Originally posted by Papa

Google Earth has updated it's satellite image of the TEMAC flying field.

Wow I knew you guys were great organizers, but to arrange for a satellite flyby is really something!

PS - there is a yellow dot south of the field that looks like someones plane?


I think there might be three planes in the air.
One right over the runway, you can even see its shadow on the ground.
Another one to the South and a third to the East.

All three are just dots, but quite unlike any other objects in the image.

There are clearly people on the flight line, so there have to be planes somewhere.

Pat MacKenzie