Schneider Trophy Build, Fly, Inspire

Started by piker, March 26, 2013, 11:37:28 AM

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So, we've talked about Schneider history, the planes that were raced, or at least intended for the races, and a bit about the joys of float flying in general.  Next up is a plan for a common building theme, and then some event specifics and objectives.

It seems to me there are three catagories of builds we can consider:

Option 1:  Modification of a Formosa on floats as a good basis for many of the later, sleek, schneider racers like the Supermarine and Macchi float planes.  I think this is a great way to test the waters for many of us and to get something that would be quick to build, make a great float flyer, and look quite convincing with a little foam cutting, sanding, and painting.

Option 2:  Build or buy whatever suits your desires or needs.  Planes like Michaels new Macchi MC72 (micro depron), Ben's Curtis RC3-2 (short kit), or my Macchi M-33 (plans I had).  With this option, Schneider ARF's would also be a nice addition to our get togethers.

Option 3: Create a common build theme based on a simple foam and fibreglass construction method, a common scale, and a common power range to end up with a group of racers of similar size and look.  This option can be really exciting because we'll end up with a group of racers with similar, scale performance to fly around together.

I'm not sugesting that we choose just one option, but rather accept whatever option YOU choose as a way of getting involved.  I think most will start with Option 1 or 2, and then we can start planning the approach for option three.

Jack is working on some TEMAC float fly dates, which will be great, but don't forget we'll also have lots of opportunity for float flying at Frenchman's Bay, Preston Lake (thanks to our new friend Fred McLaren... Don't fly there uninvited), and possibly one or two other sites. 

More tomorrow...


Hey Bill!  I didnt' get a chance to talk with you the other night about your Schneider racer!  You got an MC72?  A kit?  ARF?  Let us in on some of the details!



Hi Rob,
It's an ARF but I fear it's a bit big for TEMAC's competitive Schneider float flying. I'd like to fly it at 2013 TEMAC Float Flys as a tribute to the Schneider legacy.
I have a Formosa NIB and short kits for a 52" Macchi M5 and a Savoia Marchetti but I'll never get them finished this season.
Are we really scheduled to start float flying in ten days?


Ten days lol is the ice melted yet??  Stupid weather.
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Been reading "The Speed Seekers" , a history of air racing during the 20's and early 30's. Inspired me to return to this thread and to finish the model I talked about here last April. Really regret I didn't finish it in time to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Schneider Trophy races...but maybe the model and I can celebrate the 101st!
I'm going to bring it to the Pilots' meeting and I'm falling asleep so I'll let the pictures and Ed's size reference speak...


Love the lines Bill!  Imagine sitting behind all that horsepower!!  Beautiful finish and the scale system in perfect demonstration.
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Si bellisima! :D And with 2850 hp in a 32ft wingspan (more hp and less wing than a Mustang, Spitfire or Me109!) a pretty spirited performer. Inspire she does!
Mine will have just over 1-1/4hp and a ws of a bit more than 5ft. AUW with a 5S 4500 on board should be 6-7 lb which won't let it go as fast as the full-size (over 700km/h!) but will allow all aerobatics short of 3D.


That looks magic. Can't wait to see it in real life.


she's going to look great on the lake this summer :)
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


Wow!  Beautiful!

I like the power comparison to the WWII fighters.  It's amazing how hard they pushed the limits back in those days... less than 30 years after Kitty Hawk, and 10 years BEFORE WWII started!


Beautiful looking. Put it in the bath tub to see it floating??

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"





I caught myself making engine noises the other evening while I was admiring the hull lines of my Stranraer build  :o


Thanks for all the compliments...a beauty deserves them! It's way too big for my jacuzzis for this boy!  I've googled for a sound track of twin Fiat V-12's but no luck...twin Merlins (Mosquito?) maybe? Probably have to be content with vro-o-o-oom vro-o-o-ooming loudly myself!(Piker music!)
I brought Dad's Macchi M5 (one of the first Macchi seaplanes) to our last Show and Tell...quite a contrast to this Macchi, MC72 and the last of the Macchi floatplanes. The Macchi M7 (looks just like Dad's M5) won an early Schneider race at around 100 mph...all the other racers crashed or blew up. Approximately 15 years later, the MC72 recorded 440 mph! At a time when the fastest land plane (Hughes H-1) struggled to hit 350 mph! Rob's right...the Schneider guys pushed hard!
Alas, I cannot take much credit for this's an ARF.