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Building / Construction / Re: More sticks! Frank's Guil...
Last post by GuyOReilly - September 24, 2024, 07:40:57 PM
@Frank v B concerning your comment about CG location :" It appears to be way too far aft (approx 60% of chord from the leading edge versus the usual 33%) but it flies well.
This model has a lifting tail and thus requires a more rearward CG than the average 33%.
The reason being the fact that the tail also produces lift, unlike a flat surface that would generate lift only when adding a angle of attack/incidence (another debate subject for another time...)

@tdo1 - Peter Love the covering.  Plane looks great and therefore should fly quite fine.   
Best of luck!
Building / Construction / Re: More sticks! Frank's Guil...
Last post by Frank v B - September 24, 2024, 06:42:56 PM

Great build!

re: CG- I just assembled mine and measured the CG ready to fly.  I flew it a week ago and it flew well but a bit tail heavy.  My CG was 1.25" from the trailing edge.  I suspect 1.5" from the trailing edge would be perfect.  It appears to be way too far aft (approx 60% of chord from the leading edge versus the usual 33%) but it flies well.

Keep sending updates.  We love to hear about your project.

re: test flying these models.  I start with a lightly powered glide to make sure of the CG is close.  Then power  up slowly to make sure the thrust line of the motor is correct, then power up.  Yours is much lighter because of the power system so powering up is not risky.  Mine loops, rolls and flies upside down.

The first flight is a great feeling of achievement.

Building / Construction / Re: More sticks! Frank's Guil...
Last post by tdo1 - September 24, 2024, 02:50:17 AM
Hello Frank - Arrow is completed(finally) the plastic covering and I didn't get along all that well amazing how you can take some shots with an iphone at the right angle so that the plastic looks as though it doesn't have any wrinkles!

Couple of photos attached - just waiting for a non windy day to give it a throw in some grass over the road.

Weight is 75 gms with 2.5 gms of lead on the nose but I could probably add a bit more if I had to.

On the subject of C of G did you interpret the plan as about 10 mm in font of the TE - seems a bit odd I actually have about 20 mm but still seems odd. Used an online calculator and it's not giving me a measurement in mm but has it just in front of the TE.

The gap between my elevator halves is closer in the middle compared to the outside thinking about trying it as is.
Trading Post / Re: ESCs for sale - individual...
Last post by Andy Hoffer - September 23, 2024, 07:57:20 PM
Hi Simon,

I will take the Castle Creations Thunderbird 18A - brand new $15

Other Events / Re: Sunday's EF-1 race in Oran...
Last post by ken Fluney - September 23, 2024, 04:44:07 PM
Thanks Frank for posting the pictures and thanks to the Temac for attending the race.
Trading Post / Eflite Ultimate Bi-Plane - New...
Last post by GeoffM - September 23, 2024, 04:06:02 PM
Selling a new in box Eflite Ultimate bi-plane.  Red and grey version (3s or 4s) - BNF with AS3X.


Link about the plane
Trading Post / Re: ESCs for sale - individual...
Last post by GeoffM - September 23, 2024, 04:03:26 PM
I will take the 2 x 60a and 75a ESCs.  Greg C will pick them up for me. Thx
Trading Post / Re: Free books - anyone intere...
Last post by sihinch - September 23, 2024, 01:04:47 PM
They're yours Admiral
Trading Post / Re: Free books - anyone intere...
Last post by GuyOReilly - September 23, 2024, 12:02:48 PM
I would like the RC Model Airplane Design and the RC Guide.
If you are giving away separately.  ;)
Trading Post / Free books - anyone interested
Last post by sihinch - September 23, 2024, 10:14:52 AM
Anyone want any of these books before I donate them to a free library?