Canadian Greatest Model Air Plane Builders

Started by Gregor77, August 28, 2012, 11:16:38 AM

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I would like to start a list of "Best" model plane builders that you know and why they are the best.

My favorites are Tom Muir for attention to detail and great topics.  Eg: B-17 at the AGM, his Hangar  9 or Topflight Corsair with all the weathering and detail.  He also has a beautiful Electric CF86 that was featured in some publications.

My next is "Victor Pitt", I purchased one of his planes and his workmanship is A+.  His topics are along my favorites.  WW1!

Simon H for his mis- match of pilots from German to British and vice Versa.

"Ken Coleman" for his ability to build anything and all the details that we can't even think about. 

Andy Hoffer

Check out Graeme Mears.  MAAC Hall of Famer.  Only scale builder to ever score 100% on Static Score at Top Gun Scale Invitational.

Absolutely superb builder.  At last look he was being bankrolled by a Minnesota home builder.

We saw his F-16 at EMFSO a couple of years ago.



Wow!  That guy is on my list of people to know.. .hope he doesn't show this weekend!  lol! ::)


Never mind the F-16 ... pay very close attention to our treasurer's determined expression as he chases an errant lipo pack across the floor!!!  ;D


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Quote from: Gregor77 on August 28, 2012, 11:16:38 AM
I would like to start a list of "Best" model plane builders that you know and why they are the best.

My favorites are Tom Muir for attention to detail and great topics.  Eg: B-17 at the AGM, his Hangar  9 or Topflight Corsair with all the weathering and detail.  He also has a beautiful Electric CF86 that was featured in some publications.

Unfortunately Tom has had a very bad year flying and all 3 of these planes are now in the had catagory.



What!   No way!  What happened?  Is there a link, what happened to the beautiful B17 that we saw at the AGM.   On a side note, I am never going again... I thought it was a swap meet!  lol!

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: wollins on August 28, 2012, 12:30:08 PM
Never mind the F-16 ... pay very close attention to our treasurer's determined expression as he chases an errant lipo pack across the floor!!!  ;D


I was trying to stay below Graeme Mears' scale on-board radar and avoid contact with the multi-K$ aircraft!! :)  (Good call Colin!)



I'll add Chris McHugh to the list of best builders. His fit and finish is some of the best i've seen. He built a remarkable Typhoon years ago that suffered a terrible crash in Kingston (NiCad days). Piker can add more about him I'm sure.



Quote from: Gregor77 on August 28, 2012, 02:42:27 PM
What!   No way!  What happened?  Is there a link, what happened to the beautiful B17 that we saw at the AGM.   On a side note, I am never going again... I thought it was a swap meet!  lol!

He is a member of my club.  The B17 went in about 2 weeks ago.  Can't say what happened, I missed the actual crash.  Just heard about it after he left the field and I haven't seen him at the field since.    All three planes were crashed and damaged enough that they are not worth repairing.


the giant

I would give the nod to Ivan Pettigrew.  Check out his designs on


If I may add another Canadian RC Icon - Ron Chapman of the Toronto RC Club. He was at the fore-front of arfs and large gas engine manufacturing as well.

Great flyer, took part in many international competitions. Way ahead of its time in kit manufacturing. An Electronic Engineering Tutor by profession, but due to fellow rc'er's requests, produced quite a few 30% giant scale planes, Edge 540, Extra 300 He also used readily available industrial gas engine parts, machined his own crankcase, auto-advanced electronic ignition modules, hence, the famous Canadian Cyclone gas engines. The planes were well built, f/glass fuz with foam ribs and balsa sheeted wings, some of his planes are still around.

I have the honour of consigning him for the construction of a 35% Laser 332 with a 3W120B2, a last for him. He also put together my Yak 55M with a Hacker A-100, excellent work.

BTW, due to health reason, Ron no longer does any buildings any more, and is now into electric flying.

BBTW, the Sword Fish is inserted just for fun, Radu maidened it at last week's club fun fly, the sound of the 7-cylinder radial engine is just awsome




FWIW, best builder I know of is sadly no longer with us - Jack McGillivray.

Graeme Mears is also in a class by himself.

Pat MacKenzie