Fixing a ZN Caprice

Started by Ex14th, November 11, 2012, 12:43:11 PM

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Fixing a ZN Line Caprice - Kevla/Carbon fibre F3A 2-meter pattern designed by Christophe Paisant Le Roux.

It is no longer in production by ZN but the following link shows a Synergy currently being offered by ZN -

It needs some repair, the front-end broke from the fuz on a crosswind landing flip over. It is a clean torn, so it's just a matter of patching it up with f/glass clothes.

A clip on CPLR flying his routines at the 2011 F3A competition:

Stay tuned of how it comes out.


Hi Alex,

   Your link did not work  :), is this the right one?

   do you have any pictures of the damage?





Good hearing from you. The links shows a Synergy, which is of similar but later design. It has  pointed rear wing tips.

As far as look and dimensions are concerned, almost identical - 2 meter square.

The Synergy however is now "price on quote" as stated on their web, but I know it is over 900 Euros plus shipping, if you can wait.

I had already started lining up the two halves with f/glass sheets, once it looks OK, will patch up with some light weight kevla clothes, voila, done.

Will post some pics after the repair.


Pictures added of the airframe before repair




im covering my eyes so I dont see the price!  good luck with the repair Alex!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Ed, thanks for showing the picture of the original plane. You might want to modify your post from "sales" to "repair" now.

Looked at the fuz this morning, and that little voice kept telling me - why didn't you fix it you idiot. So I started, believe it or not, half done already.

I hope I can fix it and be ready for next season. Let's see, oh well, I might as throw it open to you guys, what power plant?

All suggestions will be appreciated.

Happy Remembrance Day


Aligned, and patched with kevla clothes, now waiting for the glue to dry. I might need another layer of clothes but for now, I think I got it fixed.

The big square opening at the nose ring is for the tune-exhaust when I had an MVVS35GT upfront. I think I am going to patch it up (with the original cut out I saved) If I am going to put an electric motor up front.

Will see.



Great job Alex. I'm the king of letting daunting repair jobs stare at me from across the workshop for months only to discover that it wasn't that big a deal after all once I get started.



Ben, I am sorry that this thread remains at the Trading Post section. I originally started the post as a for sale so that someone can take on the challenge, but then I looked at it further, and the rest as they say, is history.

Yes, that is the reason why I posted the rest of the entries - that given the right heart to it, all repairs could be done, so don't loaded up those recycle bins yet, it could be fixed.

The Caprice is coming along just fine, now it's just a matter of deciding which power plant to use.

Take care,



Just moved this thread over to the Building forum for you.


For those really serious about precision aerobatic flying, don't miss this chance to acquire a ready to go and of course electric - with Evo 30(Plettenberg all the way):

This plane apparently was flown at the F3A world championships. I don't know the seller, but just don't want you guys to miss out on a great package.
