FlyFly F-86 build

Started by Wingnutz, January 14, 2013, 04:36:34 PM

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Great nose job Bill!  She will be the belle of the ball
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


That looks awesome Bill.

I understand the temptation to apply graphics! I've managed to resist so far - but it's hard!


Hi Bill

Have you finished this plane?

Earlier on it seemed you were not happy with the power generated by the fan/motor.
Is it OK now?
According to the information on Hobby-King's website, the ESC needs to be set to 'hard' timing.
Did you do that?

Which ESC are you using?

What battery pack(s) will you be using?
Would 2 3-cell packs fit better?


Wow! That didn't take long. LOL.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Quote from: Michael on April 08, 2013, 08:09:01 PM
Hi Bill
Have you finished this plane?
Earlier on it seemed you were not happy with the power generated by the fan/motor.
Is it OK now?
According to the information on Hobby-King's website, the ESC needs to be set to 'hard' timing.
Did you do that?
Which ESC are you using?
What battery pack(s) will you be using?
Would 2 3-cell packs fit better?
Michael, I am pleasantly surprised someone is still interested in this "build".
I have not worked on it since last post. I am doing more of the household chores now as my wife is ill...we got a date for her operation to remove one lung this morning so the wheels of the public health bureaucracy are finally grinding, but there's less time for building.
The other reason I have not worked on it is the number of other models I'm trying to finish/work on to deadlines, putting the F-86 fourth in line.
1. Norseman...wings for next Monday, April 15
2. Cessna Crane for next Pilot's Meeting, April 17 (maybe)
3. BH Mosquito for Warbirds Day May 2?
4. F-86 for Jets Day, June 2?
To answer your other questions;
The ESC is a Castle Creations ICE HV 120A. It's opto so I'm going to use a separate receiver battery just like I used to with the glow models. I don't understand hard timing or how to get my ICE set that way so I haven't done it.
I'm planning to use 2x 4500mah 3S, 35-70C batteries which give me some chance to get the canopy floor over top of the batteries.  BTW, after Ed's talk and moving the ESC ahead of the fan to shorten the ESC to battery leads, I'm wondering if the use of the harness to connect two three cell batteries as a six cell means I should add a capacitor to the ESC as CC suggests?
I will get back to the model and with this in mind, I've been monitoring the FlyFly F-86 thread on RC Groups where Tom Muir is showing his build of a second FlyFly F-86. (Seeing his first one in Model Airplane News put the model on my gotta build that list)
Tom posted pictures of the Gorilla Glue/water spritzer method of securing the carbon arrow wingspar to the foam wing.
The Gorilla Glue foamed up like crazy taking up a whack of space inside the wing but allegedly adding very little weight. Any of you experienced types care to comment? Looked a bit like black magic to me!


As you may know, I folded the wings on my first F86 doing aerobatics on its maiden flight, with no wing spar.

I've always wanted to do another, so I finally purchased a kit.

I'll order the same fan as yours, but I'm not sure which ESC I'll use.

I currently have 2 Flyfly jets, both with the ESCs close to the fans, and have had no troubles with either.

I'm going to use 46-size E-Flite retracts, but I don't know if it'll be ready this season.


I managed to finish my Hunter at the weekend.  All the throws were set-up, the battery seucring and balancing complete, and all the control connectors had fuel tubing added.

Now I just need to maiden it!

I decided to leave the 85A esc in (even though it pulled 77A at WOT) because the wires on the castle creations 100A Ice Lite that I bought wont fit my 4mm connectors, and I'm too lazy to re-solder everything. 

I've put the esc above the nose wheel, with 20" motor wires, and a short 3" battery wire (after Ed's briefing.)  Plus, even though it's not in the air flow, I hope it will get some cooling (from the nose wheel opening.)


Michael, Simon,
I look forward to flying these models with both of you...maybe we can have a FlyFly FlyBy (groan ::) ::) on TEMAC's Jets Day!


The website reminded me it's been a while since I posted's been an exhausting time for me. If you're reading this on a mobile, be's wordy.
Anyway after returning to the basement workshop after a month's absence,I got back to the FlyFly F-86 and solved almost all the little nigglies left...almost a perfect maiden.
I really wanted to get the model in the air before this stint of N wind and perfect weather goes away. Seems to me N is the perfect wind for handlaunching a big EDF...straight down the field and landing approach from the S so you have no nasty model grabbing hydro wires to worry about turning on to final. Rushed a bit to get the model ready for today and got everything done; re-located the receiver and satellite(now in the fiberglass nose cone) to get them farther from the ESC, battened down the hatches(built to allow access to the wiring connections), secured the canopy, bought, charged and mounted a new rx 4S battery, re-checked balance and throws...everything on my completion list except securing the wingtanks with magnets. (wingtanks will be  the LG for grass fields and until I'm sure the model can carry the extra weight of retracts...geotex beckons) Hoped a
snug friction fit would hold the tanks until touchdown whereupon the plan  was they would break away in anything less than a perfect touchdown and simply stick back on.
Jeff Feldsher handlaunched for me and the model sunk gently as it gathered speed and climbed majestically...dead steady with that delightful 12blade whooshy sound. First circuit, flawless but on the second, the starboard wingtank departed the aircraft somewhere along the tree line to the southeast of the field. (Glen said it hit one of the trees on the way down)
Zero clicks of trim suddenly became almost full right aileron but with Jeff madly clicking away for me, the model stayed rock steady and the landing was a non-event. "Elvis" the golden Sabre is a ***** cat with a lion's appetite for watts! Still for a model I expected would be slow and look even slower, it covered a lot of real estate in a hurry and that whooshy sound is way cool!
So which is harder to find, the needle in the haystack or a fifteen inch golden wingtank in the ROGO bean patch?


Wow! The censoring software on the site is really tough! *****cat wit a space becomes ***** cat! Ed, how do you do it?


So sad that I missed it but Congrats Bill. That's the first successful flight of a new FlyFly model this year.

Hope you found your wing-tank.



No joy finding the golden wing tank, but I do have two silver ones courtesy of Michael...BIG THANK-YOU!
Michael, fellow Lander EDF owner, take heart...the Lander EDF unit performance was disappointing on the bench but in the air, things are going better. Below is the CC data log from the maiden flight...98A and 2077W max...that's getting much closer to the published specs of 2250W on 6S. Maybe with two brand new batteries we can do a little better.
I'm also back to the workshop to re-build and fasten another drop wing tank and to build a bungee launcher for this model. Jeff and I got away with the hand launch on Saturday but it did not inspire confidence!
Tom Muir from Waterdown ON is bungee launching his F-86 using the wingtanks rather than a ramp and it looks a lot more solid than the hand launch we did on Saturday.
Still mucking about!